How to recover after stroke

How to recover after stroke

Restoration of lost functions Subsequently transferred to the stroke can occur very slowly, and sometimes it is not completely possible to return to the previous physical condition. The first rule to eliminate the consequences of the stroke is the right recovery. Consider all the steps of the systematic, gentle recovery.

The dates and extent of the rehabilitation period depend on the size and extensity of lesions of the brain areas. Every year this terrible disease is younger. Even those people who are not able to believe in the sad events of their lives associated with heart disease are exposed to her. As a result, young people negligiously belong to restoration or at all in advance of it. Young people continue to lead a familiar lifestyle, often with concomitant heavy loads on a weakened organism, which is simply not ready to withstand them. The result - the number of deaths is growing rapidly.

For a terrible disease retreated completely, without leaving the consequences, you need much and hardly train weakened body muscles and gradually restore the usual life. The erroneous opinion is that rehabilitation takes place only in the hospital walls. No - you need to train at home. After all, the recovery after a stroke is a long process, and the usual home environment can have many patients to benefit, derive from depression. The main thing, being at home, do not relax, preserve vigor, perseverance and strength of the Spirit.

Stroke 4.

Patients who have suffered a stroke often become indifferent to their life and condition. It is mainly caused by a sense of helplessness, muscle atrophy, which lead to a strong depression and Handra. In this case, the support of loved ones is important. Native need to be persevengeous and in no way give up. Whims and laziness of the patient are fully justified, because The brain after the transferred lesion begins to work in a special way. The manifested patience sooner or later will definitely pay off a hundredfold! Recommendations of doctors for relatives and close to those patients who have lost the desire to learn and restore:

  • Every day, 2 times a day are engaged with a person who suffered a stroke, restorative exercises aimed at the normal operation of speech and a propulsion system.
  • If the person who suffered a stroke is able to get up and move a little, then diverse his workouts - start walking on uneven surfaces or climb into small hillocks, and hereinafter - the ladder of the house.
  • Control the reception of drugs that contribute to stimulating the activity of cells located near the dead. Under the influence of medicines, they must take on the functions of affected areas.

Stroke 6.

We also need to not forget that at the initial stage of rehabilitation after a stroke you need to stick to the diet. She plays an important role in comprehensive recovery. In this case, the role of family members is also difficult to overestimate. A man who suffered a cerebral strike should consume many vegetable and fruit juices, as well as puree, boiled chicken, rabbit and other non-fat meat. Exclude completely from the diet should be fatty, fried, marinated products. Dairy products should only be low-calorie. Mandatory diet is important not only to people who have suffered an attack of the disease, but also as the prevention of all susceptible groups of the population, which weakened the work of vessels and hearts.

Stroke 7.

Modern equipment combined with the latest knowledge and participation of the patient in the process of rehabilitation will help to put even the most unpromising patients on the feet. Therefore, close people who have undergone a stroke should be as much as much as possible in this process, providing and stimulating the desire of a sick core to live a common full-fledged life.

Comments leave a comment
faith 02/05/2016 at 12:37

Tell me, to someone at all managed to recover after a stroke completely? Something hands are completely lowered, looking at mom.

Pauline 02/05/2016 at 18:29

Faith, yes the mass of examples when people after stroke lead an absolutely normal lifestyle. Here for example, my neighbor. Also, the doctors gave a lot of chances to complete recovery, but his wife, well done, of course, did not surrender. In different places, she drove him, but they really helped him only in the clinic K + 31. Julia (neighbor) It was about this clinic that he also called the names of the doctors, but I certainly did not remember. But the name of the clinic is accurate. Try to contact them, I think you will help you there.

Alla 24/01/2021 at 18:29

Restoration after a stroke occupies a fairly large amount of time, care for loved ones and patience is needed.

Antonina 07/02/2021 at 11:35

Thanks for useful recommendations! I think the basis of the base is the foundation of blood, so that there are no longer thrombus. I accept the Ginkum doctor for this to advice, he proven himself well. + Of course, revised meals and, in general, it became a healthier way of life. Now it's more confident that it will not touch me anymore))

Hope 19/02/2021 at 10:09.

Yes, it is necessary to follow the nutrition, to lead a healthy lifestyle, especially if there is bad heredity. My brother has a cousin stroke a month ago, was already discharged, restored. The doctor appointed quite a lot of drugs, plus said that it is necessary on the basis of the Holine of the Alphaserate necessarily, ceremonica for example. With him, restoring really passes the faster and well-being of the brother is much better.
I wish you everyone!


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