What is a stroke

What is a stroke

Disruption of cerebral circulation, that is, the stroke is included in the top 10 diseases leading to death. At the same time, according to the latest scientific data, a stroke, considered an ailment of elderly, consistently "younger". Therefore, the question is what is a stroke, today is relevant for all age categories. We will try to answer it.

Initially, the reasons why blood circulation is broken in brain tissues, two: ischemia (lack of blood supply) and hemorrhage. That is why the disease is divided into two types: ischemic and hemorrhagic. With ischemic stroke, pathological changes are the result of the blockage of the vessel supplying blood to the brain tissues. At the same time, the lumen of the vessel can be blocked, atherosclerotic plaque or stenosis (narrowing) of the vessel. Thus, brain cells remain without the substances necessary for their operation, which came to them with blood - oxygen and nutritional components. As a result, if you do nothing, they die. This type of stroke is found most often (about 80% of all strokes).

In the case of a hemorrhagic type of stroke, the mechanism of development of pathology is different. Here the reason for the violation of the functioning of neurons is the break of the vessel. As a result, the brain fabric not only remains without oxygen and nutrients, but also under pressure accumulated around the blood. Despite the fact that hemorrhagic stroke arises less frequently than ischemic, it is still more dangerous and in terms of fatal outcome, and in terms of irreversible changes.

It is also necessary to know that there are certain diseases that can contribute to the occurrence of stroke. Scientists allocated them and called risk factors. The leader in this group is arterial hypertension. It is the constant high blood pressure on the walls of the vessels of the brain, and even more so - its sharp jumps, contributes to the fact that the vascular walls lose their elasticity and can burst at some point.

Risk to obtain strokes and people having heart diseases, especially related to heart rate disorders. In this case, the vessels often produce blood clots, one of which can cause a stroke. Atherosclerosis is equally dangerous in this respect, when due to the increased level of cholesterol in the blood of the vessels of the vessels "turn" by sediments called atherosclerotic plaques. It is these plaques that narrow the clearance of the vessel or may generally overlap it, leading to ischemia.

Careful need to be both sick diabetes me, since this disease pathologically affects the walls of the vessels. As a result, they are thinned, become fragile and, as a result, are more susceptible to break. Similarly, that is, the gap may one day respond and the aneurysm of the cerebral vessel, that is, the bundle of the segment of the vascular wall.

Conduct diseases provoking blood thickening may lead to ischemic stroke. In this case, the cause of blood circulation disorders in the tissues of the brain can be a thrombus formed due to the violation of blood coagulation.

Please note that obesity, leading to both hypertension and hypertension, and to increase blood cholesterol, and excessive salt, are attributed to the risk risk of stroke. This is also enrolled by a sedentary lifestyle, smoking, excessive consumption of alcohol and stress, also not the best effect on the state of the brain vessels. And of course, age - after 30 years old, a modern person needs to pay special attention to its vessels.

Comments leave a comment
Inna 12/10/2018 at 11:10

There are a lot of reasons for self, but if you feel no matter or heredity is bad, then you must go to the doctor and to be examined. Stroke is not a joke (

Love 10/14/2018 at 10:51

Yes, a terrible disease, as well as consequences. So I knew that I had with vessels not, accept for the prevention of stroke Thrombotic ass, it thins the blood. I feel myself very well, there are no warning signs there, and I am very happy!

Diana 03/11/2021 at 8:33

All those involved in the health and profilaktikoy- all the lads !! But many, most people do not do it, and have faced the disease and treat it for a long time ((

Hope 14/03/2021 at 0:38

Certainly lead a normal life zabolevanij engage in prevention is very important! Dad is my personal did not do it, a stroke suddenly caught ... Now, preparations need to be taken will be much, but thank God that at home. By the way the doctor told us that Dad was discharged from the hospital, which necessarily requires the drug based on choline alphosceratus. We Cereton buy, no pobochek not, have a positive effect. Watch for health !!


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