How to get a husband from the feed

How to get a husband from the feed

To fully understand what is the way out of the feed, can only a person, who visited it. The rest look from the part, trying to assess the situation and pry to the person who suffers with morals and ukrai. We assure you, this is not the most reasonable way to return the man to a sober lifestyle. During the period of acute alcohol intoxication, the whole world is opposed to what to talk about obsessive notations from the mouth of the people around. There are much more humane ways to bring her husband or anyone else from the feed.

Before finally, to stop at the "own hands" option (to refuse inpatient treatment), carefully appreciate the condition of a person who is in stump. If there is no abstinence syndrome, the heart does not fail, chronic exacerbations are not manifested, and the nervous system is not damaged, why not try to save your beloved husband at home. If at least one of the indicated signs takes place, it is better not to risk the life of a loved one.

KVMZ (1)

After making a decision to be treated at home, make sure that the spouse is ready to give up a detrimental habit. If the blind is too deep, and the victim of alcohol is no longer able to take a reasonable solution, the only output is insulation. That is, you will have to locate the husband at home, completely limit his full-time and phone contacts with friends. At least you will be calm, knowing that it is not drawn in the filing rebound. Then you can easily begin treatment.

KVMZ (2)

Start the removal of binge drinking is in the breeding of blood, or rather its degradation products. The easiest, but not the cheapest option - to call a team of specialists who will conduct immediately diffuse therapy. I mean, put the cleaning drip. Since the families of alcoholics rare material wealth, you can spend cleaning themselves. Often in such applications use a "Regidron" "Enterodez" or simple solution of water with sugar, salt and soda. Such fluids desirably drink at least 4.3 liters per day.

Kvmiz (3)

As a way out of hard drinking - the process is quite painful and tedious, it is better to sleep more. It is no secret that during sleep the body carries diseases much faster and easier. If your spouse does not want to sleep voluntarily, you have to water him sleeping. Talk to your pharmacist for which drug will have on the body is the least dangerous influence, given the recently drunk alcohol.

Kvmiz (4)

If you notice on the body or face swelling spouse, are also beginning to get rid of them. By purchasing sleeping pills, ask for another map-hydrochlorothiazide or furosemide. But you can do without them. Broth hips - vegetable diuretic, perfectly deducing stagnant fluid from the body. Speaking of fluids. Make sure that the bed of the patient on duty bucket. Vomiting - frequent enough phenomenon at the exit of the binge.

Kvmiz (5)

In the second or third day (depending upon the severity of binge) it is desirable to send a husband douche. This will help to cheer up and bounce back. Appetite certainly does not appear from the early hours of the so-called treatment, but the next morning after the last drink booze can offer soup cup with a slice of bread. Solid food at the beginning of treatment is entirely optional. Only a day later, the second a real wake up the appetite. But here, it's not, thank God. Overeating can not, as the liver and pancreas have not had time enough to recover.

Kvmiz (6)

The last important rule on compliance with which depends on the outcome of events - not to succumb to the pleas. Even if the husband will be very very compassionately ask 100 grams do not pour! Moreover, do not let him out of the house alone. On an evening walk you can go together. Better in the first days to save a loved one from temptation.

Kvmiz (7)

The yield from the feed can last from several hours to the pair-triple day. Try at this time to be as loyal as possible, do not react to provocations, rudeness, plenty. It should be understood that an alcoholic is like a solidly sick person, he will allotte himself for the rescue option, who in his opinion speaks a glass of vodka, a glass of brandy or a bottle of beer.

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