How to remove sophisticate

How to remove sophisticate

Shipitsa is a kind of warts, which is most often formed on the surface of the stop. In some cases, the sophisticates cause strong discomfort and do not pass long. Consider the main ways to treat this problem.

Sophia can be cured with the help of folk agents, for example, cleanpiece juice, nettle compress, horseradish and potatoes, garlic. In the case of appeal to the hospital, the silence will be removed in one of the ways: with the help of liquid nitrogen, laser, acidic equipment, electrocoagulation or surgical intervention. To understand which method of treatment is suitable, it is necessary to pay attention to the development of the silence. Now we will consider in what cases it is worth contacting the doctor, and describe in detail each of the methods of treatment.

If the sophole does not multiply and does not bring strong discomfort when walking, you can not contact the doctor. Most likely, it was formed as a result of wearing not too comfortable shoes. Also, the cause of its appearance can be increased foot sweating and permanent stay in shoes. In some cases, the sophisticates appear due to weak immunity. Therefore, it is important to keep track of your diet and use vitamins. If the hooks began to multiply, urgently consult a dermatologist or immunologist. The doctor will offer several treatment options.

Education can be burned with liquid nitrogen. The method is most effective because it warns the occurrence of new sophiz. The procedure is completely painless and leaves no scars. After it, a deepening can remain, but it will delay in fast time. You can also remove the sophisticated with a laser. This method is very similar to liquid nitrogen, since it is also painless and rapid.

Wart can cure with alkaline and acidic products. This method has a significant drawback - if they fall into healthy areas of the skin, they can damage it. But when compliance with the necessary precautions, the method is quite effective.

Electrocoagulation is used to treat small formations. Through the silence passes the current that prevents its growth and deprives eating. Thus, the wart dies by itself. There is still surgery, but it is used in particularly launched cases.

If the hub is formed recently, you can try to bring it yourself with the help of folk remedies. Take horseradish and potatoes and soda them on the grater. Then mix the ingredients in an equal ratio. Place your foot and apply the mixture to the silence. Put on it the cellophane package and on top of the sock. It is preferable to do it for the night as a compress. Conduce the procedure up to complete recovery. Note that it can go about a week. Instead of shit, you can use red pepper. In this case, per 100 g of potatoes take 1 tsp. pepper.

Another good tool to combat honey is garlic. Take the head of garlic and skip it through the press. The resulting mass attach to a problem place and keep about 60 minutes. Daily repeat this procedure until the wart will pass.

Eliminate the spike will help the juice of Cellular (sold in the pharmacy). Throw the remedy for the problem area 3 times a day daily. This procedure also needs to be carried out until the hubbear passes. Remember that the cleanliness is poisonous, so apply it very carefully.

If you have the opportunity to narrow young nettle, you can use it. Old, too, is suitable, but burning will be strong. Rinse the torn nettle and give it a little wrap. Then put the plant into the container and express it until the form of the mixture. When everything is ready, impose it to a problem place. After 60 minutes, remove the compress. Repeat the procedure daily.

If treatment with folk remedies does not help, consult a doctor. He will quickly relieve you from the boning education and will tell you what needs to be done to prevent the appearance of new sophisticates.

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Natalia 23/09/2020 at 14:14

Folk remedies are ineffective, personally they did not help me. I was able to remove the sips only with the help of a special pharmacy preparation of the thrush. And I did not just anointed the sophisticate, but pre-sparkled and cut off the skin with their surface. After that, gently adhered each sophistication with this means and days after 10 from them there was no trace.

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