How to cure bruises

How to cure bruises

Almost no injury is without bruises. The body is arranged so that the bridges are bursting, and blood enters the skin. The size of the bruise depends on the strength of the impact and endurance of blood vessels. Not only that the bruises brings aesthetic discomfort, he also causes pain. The following methods will help get rid of all unpleasant consequences.

The first thing you need to do after impact is to attach a cold to a bruised place. He will cause spasm of vessels and help remove redness. Take a piece of ice from the freezer and wrap in a handkerchief or gauze so as not to provoke frostbite. Keep the cold for about 15 minutes. Repeat such a procedure for another 2 days.

Apply various compresses. Mix the floor of a glass of table vinegar and a body of a teaspoon of salt. Soak tissue napkin with this solution and attach to the bruised place for half an hour. Try another solution option: a mixture of vinegar, water and 100 g of vodka. Suppose compress 2-3 times a day until the bruise disperses. You can do and one salt. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of salts in 100 ml. water. Reinforce the place of the damage of gauze impregnated in the saline solution.

Take a piece of butter, wait until it melts a little, and lubricate the bruise. Repeat the procedure every half an hour.

Clean the crude potatoes from the peel, soda it on the grater and apply Cashitz to the bruise. You can dilute potato starch in water.

Take the soap and skip through the grater. Mix soap with egg yolk before the formation of a thick mass. Lubricate the bruise with the resulting means every half an hour.

Buy in the pharmacy dry grass Bodhagu. Take 1 tablespoon of water and mix with 2 tablespoons of grass. The resulting Cashitz attach to the damaged place until complete drying. After rinse with water. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times. Do not bodianize the area around the eyes and face. In the pharmacy you can buy a ready-made ointment "Badyaga".

Take the bitter wormwood, grind it and mix with honey. Attach the injury to the place for an hour. Be prepared for the fact that the wormwood has a sharp smell. Iodine is the easiest and most famous method of combating bruises. Take a cotton wand, plunge into iodine and draw a iodine mesh on the scene of the bruise. Repeat such a procedure as often as possible.

The next day after the strike, start applying heat to the bruised place. Buy at the pharmacy heating or make houses warm sacks with salt. Heat will help improve the influx of leukocytes to the bruised place. But this procedure is not safe if the bruise is under the eye.

If you have no necessary components at your hand for making compresses and dressings, find the nearest pharmacy and buy a special ointment from bruises. The heparin ointment is well diluted with blood. "Troksevazin" strengthens the walls of the vessels. Ointment "Rescuer" - a universal means healing the skin from various damage.

People with weak vessels bruises can appear with minor shuffles. Vitamins C and K. will help solve the problem. They will strengthen the walls of the vessels and the entire bloodstream system as a whole.

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Kristina Kondratieva 08/21/2014 at 19:29

It is strange that in all the listed there is no silicone gel dermatix. He copes perfectly with scars and scars. At the same time you need only 2 times a day with a thin layer to apply it. Then the effect will be quickly noticeable.

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