How to remove salt from the body

How to remove salt from the body

Salts come to us together with products and liquid. If a person is healthy, then his body will rise such a number of salt that it is necessary in order to correctly exist. If there is an excess salt - it is displayed in the usual way.

If the functioning of some organs is broken, and accordingly, the saline exchange is broken, then the body does not have time to process and remove the extra salt, and it settles in the body.

If the accumulated salt is too much, a person observes swelling, high pressure that causes heart disease, the weight increases, osteochondrosis, urolithiasis, gout, biliary disease, begin to form kidney stones. And in general, the general well-being of a person becomes worse. Pains appear, discomfort. And when we understand what is the reason for all the troubles, we begin to look for ways of removing excess salt.

How to bring extra salt

  • Increase fluid consumption per day to 2.5 liters. Water helps withdraw salt, normalizes pressure. The main thing is not to drink coffee, caffener-containing drinks, gas production, fast food soups.
  • We remove salt from the diet. Many salts in snacks, chips and other harm we often have a snack. Salt is well replaced in her home food.
  • We are engaged in aerobics, walking, running, cycling.
  • We visit the baths and saunas.
  • Eat moderately, without moving.

Products that will help withdraw salt

  • Potatoes has a large amount of starch, which has absorbent properties. It also absorbs all the harmful substances that are in the body - toxins. It is best to eat boiled potatoes or baked in uniform.
  • Beet can translate salt into an inert shape and bring it faster.
  • Sea cabbage has a neutralizing substance that helps to fight toxins and derive salt.
  • Infusions made of laurels are perfectly eliminated from the excess salt.
  • Rice is effective to eliminate salt, but for this it needs to be cooked correctly. Soak a glass of rice in cold water overnight. And in the morning, welcome it without adding salt. 4 hours before meals eat it on an empty stomach in the morning right along with a decoction after cooking. Daily use during the week will help withdraw an extra salt.
  • The bumps of spruce or pine are in the composition of the Zhvitsa, it is she who splits the salt. Prepare a decoction of cones and use during the week.

Folk remedies for salt output

  • Sunflower root tea.
  • Black radish juice.
  • Celery root juice.
  • Infusion of garnet root.
  • Decoration from oats.

Every morning it is recommended to take on an empty stomach 1 tsp. Honey with lemon juice and olive oil. The proportions should be equal.

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