Salt room - reviews

Salt room - reviews

The air of the salt caves strengthens the immunity, has a beneficial effect on the lungs and respiratory tract, relieves the nervous tension, etc. But many have doubts about the positive effect of modern salt rooms, so they want to receive reviews of people who have already used it.

The salt room is a room in which all walls are posted by sole-containing materials. With the help of special systems, wellness air is created there. Doctors often prescribe a salt room with various diseases. A lot depends on the type of salt room, the rules of its use and the frequency of the visit, which you can make sure of the reviews below.


Ekaterina. I had chronic tonsillitis, several times a year went to the hospital, at times I had to open the almonds, since it suffocated heavily. Doctors advised to relax in the sanatorium. Twice a year passed courses over five years. There and began to go to the salt room. For three years I do not get sick. It seems to me that the main thing is to believe what you are treated, although it may be helped by treatment in the complex. But I know for sure that asthmatics Salt room brings great benefits.

Irina. We decided to improve the child before the school year and went to the Balneological Hospital. Among the procedures was halotherapy. The air is completely ordinary, no saltwater was felt. It was hoped that the effect would be enough for the whole autumn, but alas, hopes were not justified. The cold originated in September. Maybe we left few sessions or salt was not like that, in general, the miracle did not happen.

Svetlana. I heard contraindications, but, as for me, it is nonsense. Walked to the salt cave. All liked it. I have a good nose and my throat there, I begin to feel the smells better. After the cave breathed normally two nostrils (the right breathe was worse than the left). Probably, much depends on the type of salt room.

Veronica. Honestly, the visit of the salt room was waiting for more. My child is very often sick, so I decided to start led daughter there. Only besides us, the premises also visited other children, and with a runny nose and cough. We tried to choose the right time, but some never stayed alive. As a result, the daughter picked up the infection, and it had to be treated for a very long time. Yes, and I myself fell ill. Maybe visits to the galkamers and are shown, but not only during the period of acute diseases. If the conditions for visiting the room are not performed, I do not recommend going there for procedures. In general, I can say that the room very soothes and relaxes.

Marina. Once again, I got sick in the fall, so I decided to sign up in the speleocamera. The first time he felt the cold, walking away from the stones, but then I got used to and felt a light coolness. On each chair lie blankets, the soothing music is playing. I was told that it is desirable to breathe deeply, alternating her nose and mouth. When I came for the first time, there was a runny nose and cough, at the end of the session it became easier to breathe. Last visit was absolutely healthy. The only disadvantage can be called a strong sense of salt in the mouth. But this is not surprising - it is saturated with all air.

Eugene. I work in a children's hospital. There is a hall of halotherapy, where children come with different diagnoses - bronchitis, asthma, pharyngitis, etc. The course of treatment consists of 10-12 procedures. After graduation, patients begin to feel better. The attacks of suffocation have decreased, the cough decreased, nasal breathing was ease. As a health worker, I can say that periodic treatment in the galcamera definitely gives a positive effect.

A lot of reviews indicates that halotherapy still gives results. Before visiting the salt room, be sure to find out whether children have children with colds (if so, give up visiting). Also specify whether air is saturated with ions. This is the positive effect of the salt room. If so, you will feel the taste of salt in the mouth. To feel the result, it is necessary to move 15-20 sessions and repeat the course after a while.

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