Thalassotherapy - Reviews

Thalassotherapy - Reviews

Thalassotherapy (from Greeks. Thalassa - Sea, Therapia - Treatment) refers to alternative medicine and includes several directions, such as climatotherapy (naval climatic treatment), hydrotherapy (bathing and water procedures), aerotherapy (air baths), helotherapy (solar Baths), as well as sea sand massage, wrapping by algae, etc. All that is associated with the sea is used to treat and prevent the functioning of the heart, respiratory tract, muscle and musculoskeletal system, for general hardening and recovery.

First of all, thalassotherapy is relaxing and soothing. "After the nervous breakdown, I was recommended to go to relax in a warm country. Swimming in the sea, warming under the sun, lying on the hot sand played a role. After 14 days from stress, there is no trace. And this is no extra spending and trouble. " Sea air itself is useful for health, finding in salted water replaces hydrotherapy sessions, sand makes light peeling and body massage.

Almost everywhere, where there is a sea coast, you can find salons practicing thalassotherapy. Within Russia, these are the resorts of the Black, Azov, Caspian, Baltic Seas. The resorts of Turkey, Greece, Israel and especially Tunisia are very popular abroad. "In Tunisia Thalasso centers there are many hotels, we must specify the operator in advance. Prices are vary there, the course is cheaper than a one-time visit. Pleasant treatments, relaxing. Mud masks, wraps with algae, salt baths and massages are creating miracles with body and soul. "

You can arrange a relaxation and recreation program, without leaving no country nor the city. Large beauty salons, cosmetology centers and spas salons offer many medicinal and caring procedures and the use of marine gifts. "In the fight against overweight, I decided to go to the salon on algae wraps. After 10 sessions - the effect is simply amazing, and the procedure itself is not painful, but pleasant. " Laminaria is really known for its unique properties for the correction of the figure. In the salons such procedures are not cheap, but they give a persistent and visible result.

If there is no opportunity to visit sea resorts or expensive spa salons to improve health with thalassotherapy, then you can do it at home. "Periodically, I all arrange thalassotherapy. I take baths with sea salt and make masks from the dirt of the Dead Sea. The skin after such procedures is smooth and elastic, "orange peel" is less pronounced. " Indeed, minerals and marine trace elements are able to influence beauty and health, even being in cosmetics. Fortunately, now they are not difficult to find in the nearest stores and pharmacies. It is better to focus on Israeli cosmetics, known for its favorable effects.

But even harmless and light on type of treatment of the sea gifts has its own contraindications and restrictions. From this therapy should be abstained if any chronic diseases are in the stages of exacerbation. Gynecological diseases, mastopathy, misa and endomirtryosis are contraindicated for women. Talazo procedures are not recommended to people with venereal, hypertonic and some skin diseases and affecting thyroid dysfunction. Avoid such treatment is recommended by the elderly and pregnant.

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Mika. 28/05/2015 at 17:43.

I made this spring modeling thalassotherapy so that cellulite went to the summer and seaside. What can I say, I really see the result and skin smooth, healthy color.


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