Reviews of pressotherapy

Reviews of pressotherapy

To become healthier, many want to get rid of excess weight, but for regular physical exercises and the patience is not enough in all. Press therapy in this case is a real chopping stick. Nothing will tell better about it, as the reviews of those who have passed this procedure.

The woman appealed to the salon in the hope of getting rid of cellulite. He says that first feared, because there are contraindications: pressure above the norm, unhealthy kidneys, liver, pregnancy. Nothing listed did not have been observed, but I never know what. When for the first time dressed the costume and began to pump air, an unusual sensation appeared: squeezes the whole body, but it does not hurt. After 30 minutes. Procedures This sensation is not immediately. There were 10 sessions. The result was pleased: weight decreased by 3 kg, it was already 2.5 cm in the hips, and as for cellulite, it was not visible to the naked eye.

Another client of the cabin paid 10 procedures to solve the problem with the legs. I complained: "At night, so cool that it is impossible to fall asleep." Her legs inserted into special covers resembling pants, then measured pressure and set the mode. The first time was some discomfort: sacrificed very, but then it was possible to relax. Having half a session, felt great relief. I advises not to delay a very costume in the spine, if there are problems with the latter, otherwise there will be a sense of strong compression.

This client had to choose between the manual anti-cellulite massage, which she visited earlier and the press therapy. It shares sensations and says that I understood: "These procedures are different. Since the pressotherapy activates the lymphosystem, then after it, the hand massage will be more efficient. " Thanks to the lymphaticine, got rid of the excess fluid in the body and after 5 sessions weighed by 1 kg less.

There are such patients who pass the sessions of the press therapy periodically. One of them says that the feeling of lightness in the legs lasts months 6, then she again buys a subscription. Based on its experience, advises to use the anti-cellulite cream in front of the pleasure of the costume - the effect is enhanced.

There is also such a category of visitors to the sessions of the press therapy, which were not able to get rid of the cellulite, nor from extra kilograms. They note that the legs have become slim, gait is light. Easyness is observed in the whole body, but also simulators attend the excess weight.

The press therapy is definitely a very useful procedure, but you should not hope that by visiting several sessions, you will forever save the achieved effect. Here you need or resume sessions at least 2 times a year or regularly do physical exercises.

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