Massage Pillow: Reviews

Massage Pillow: Reviews

Each second person faces pain in the back and legs. Muscular pain is most often associated with a sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical exertion. In most cases, you can get rid of unpleasant sensations with a massage. It was for this that a massage pillow was created.

Principle of Massage Pillow

This is a pretty simple device, with which you can carry out the massaging of the back, legs and hands. Massage is carried out due to the rotation of the rollers. Some models are equipped with a vibromassage function. It is from the variety of functions that the price of the product depends.

Massage pillow: reviews (what is it for what, use, effect, manufacturers and models)

Types of massage pillows

For back

There are universal products or for a specific body area. If you often have a spin hurt because of sedentary work, take a roller with a massager for your back. Prefer the apparatus with a roller mechanism with the possibility of adjusting the speed of rotation. Thus, you can choose the appropriate mode of operation depending on your condition.

Massage pillow: reviews (what is it for what, use, effect, manufacturers and models)

For neck

Drivers and people who are often driving a car should look at the necks for the neck. They are rollers curved in the form of horseshoe. That is, the product will repeat the anatomical features of your body and massage the cervical muscles and vertebrae.

Massage pillow: reviews (what is it for what, use, effect, manufacturers and models)

Universal rectangular models

Massage heated pillows - a find for women who dream to get rid of cellulite. Massage procedures must be combined with wraps. After applying the anti-cellulite paste, turn on the device and do not forget about heating. Put the pillow under the buttocks. Through time, lie an ability and place the product under the thigh. Change the position of the device. Thanks to heating and kneading, metabolic processes are intensified in the skin, and blood circulation is improved. After time, you will notice that the manifestations of cellulite became less pronounced.

If you are thinking about getting a massager of this type, give preference to the product with the possibility of adjusting the strength and options of the impetus. The pulsating massage is suitable for eliminating the pain in the legs, and the pushes will help relax their back and neck.


Almost all massage pillows have the same device. The price difference is due to additional features, the possibility of heating and design. The most qualitative are the models of the German company Casada. They differ quite high price due to the presence of infrared heating and vibromassage. More affordable products produces Singapore company from. This is the models of the middle class, their price ranges from 3000-8000 rubles. The most inexpensive are Chinese-made cushions, but among them you can also choose a product of good quality.

Massage pillow: reviews (what is it for what, use, effect, manufacturers and models)

Customer Reviews

Most people who acquired a massage pillow do not regret the spent money. To have a headache, it is enough to massage the neck and shoulders. With this task, the massager copes with this task. Many owners of such devices note a decrease in back pain and lower back.

How to use a pillow

The product is equipped with wire and fork. It is necessary to lie on the device and connect it to the power supply network. Select the desired mode and enjoy a relaxing or stimulating massage. The duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes.

Do not save on your health. If you are constantly sitting at a computer or driving a car, get a massage pillow. This is an inexpensive device will help to avoid the development of serious ailments of the musculoskeletal system.

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