How often attend infrared sauna

How often attend infrared sauna

Infrared sauna - a modern alternative to the already familiar saunas and baths for us. At the same time, in addition to the recreational functions, it has a number of practical advantages. For example, the compact size and features of the infrared saunas allow you to install it even in the apartment, connecting to a conventional power supply. And the feelings sessions in a sauna are transported much more easily. Let's take a closer look, what is the use of IR sauna and how often you can take it.

The fundamental difference Infrared saunas from the other bath procedures is that due to the infrared radiation warms the body without the "middleman." That is, the infrared rays penetrate directly into the body, bypassing the step of heating the air, and to a greater depth (up to 4-4.5 cm). As a result, there is intense heating of tissues and organs, activation of metabolism, accelerating the blood flow and lymph flow, sweating.

The above-described effects infrared sauna at regular visits can improve the cardiovascular system by strengthening the walls of blood vessels, reduce cholesterol levels and blood pressure stabilization. Such sessions are excellent prevention and treatment of colds and nasal diseases, relieve pain (periodic, muscle, trauma, headache, joint), insomnia and stress. Profuse sweating when visiting the infrared sauna helps to clean the skin and the organism as a whole, to lose weight. There is evidence that IR active against many skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis, acne), cellulitis, wounds, bruises and even scars.

To sense the above-mentoring properties of IR saunas, the session duration should be at least half an hour. Given that the optimal temperature in it is within 50 degrees, and the vaporization does not occur - it is comfortable to sit so much time will not be difficult. At the same time, the recommended posture is sitting with a straight back and lowered legs, preferably not passive (make yourself a foot massage, hands, collar zone, problem areas). Before the session is preferably not there (at least 1.5 hours), and take a hot shower (to prepare pores to sweating) and drink green tea or mineral water (as compensation for the upcoming loss of fluid). After the sauna, it is enough to wash the sweat with a warm shower and, again, replenish the reserves of the liquid with the same tea or mineral water. If the purpose of your visit to the IR sauna is weight loss or cosmetic effects - special means (creams, lotions) will be especially effective after the session on the lean skin.

There is an opinion that the safety of IR radiation allows you to visit such a sauna daily. However, we will focus on more rational recommendations regarding how often such health sessions can be carried out. So, for general strengthening and improving the body, you need to pass 10-12 IR saunas sessions no more than 2 times a week. Sometimes more frequent visiting is allowed - two or two, but it depends on the state of health and the goals. For example, in order to lose weight when it is recommended to steam in an IR sauna every 2 days at least 8 sessions. In this case, to achieve maximum results, visit the sauna after exercise, comply with the rules of healthy nutrition and use other weight loss methods (wrapping, massage).

As you can see, the infrared sauna has many advantages and beneficial properties. However, I need a measure, especially if you have a cardiovascular problem. In this case, the doctor will help you to find your "golden middle" regarding the frequency of the IR sauna. At the next video, you can find out the medical view about how to visit the infrared sauna for the purpose of weight loss.

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