How often make mantu

How often make mantu

Probably, each of us remembers since childhood "vaccination-button". Always surprised that it was so often made at school and kindergarten, and why it is impossible to swim after it. In fact, it is a very important diagnosis that allows you to get rid of a terrible disease called tuberculosis. Let's look at how to do it correctly and with what frequency.

Mantu is not a vaccination from the disease, as many believe. In fact, this is the so-called test that allows you to prevent the disease. The skin introduced a special Tuberculin preparation, which gives the desired signal after a certain time. It does not bring absolutely no harm to human health, so they are made even to breast kids if necessary. Remember that the reaction to Mantu is not worth neglected, because it allows you to reveal the disease at an early stage and respond to the problem in time.

To date, there are a lot of opinions: how to conduct Mantu, and with what frequency. But the majority of scientists and physicians leaning towards the fact that children under 14 should be carried out at least 1 time per year. After the appearance of the baby to the light in the maternity hospital, you will be offered to make a vaccination from tuberculosis - BCG, as it is mandatory. If for some reason you write a refusal, then for 2 months, the child should be mandatory. After this time, you can make BCG only after the immunological test of Mantu. This is done both in a paid pediatric clinic, and in the hospital at the place of registration for free - at your discretion.

So, you have been inoculated with BCG at birth to her child. Now your task - to perform control. Every year, medical staff carried out a test for Mantu, regardless where your child - in kindergarten, school. As a parent, you should know that you always have the right to choose and write failure for any reason. But do not forget that this is not just a medical "whim", but a very important way to fight tuberculosis. For full control over the disease to children over 14 years old must be 1 time a year to do chest X-rays.

There are "freelance" situations when Mantoux is increasingly relying deadlines. Typically, this happens when a child falls into the "high risk" area of \u200b\u200bthe disease. This can be done if:

  • Child not instilled at birth with BCG vaccine;
  • The children are HIV-positive;
  • Held hormone therapy more than 1 month;
  • Baby have kidney disease, respiratory system, diabetes;
  • The inner circle has a TB patient.

As a rule, a child from a risk group is registered with the clinic and the doctor reminds parents about the upcoming trial.

Remember that the Mantoux test is only a healthy baby. Before the procedure, you will examine a pediatrician and assess the general condition of the child. If all goes well, the handle was injected, and at this point there is a speck of red inflated. That is why people call it "a button". Within 3 days the place is impossible to scratch redness and watering. That's usually the problem when the kids did not understand, resist. It is important to explain to the child that it should not do, otherwise you'll have to re-Mantoux test. After 72 hours, the injection site is investigated doctor with a special line and concludes the presence of immunity to TB disease. If your child suffers from allergies, be sure to take an antihistamine prior to injection, it absolutely does not affect the result.

Remember that children's health is always in your hands. Try not to oppose the medicine. If you follow the chart Mantoux and other vaccinations - then, undoubtedly, your child will not have health problems.

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