How to make eco

How to make eco

If you wondered how Eco is doing, it means that the name "Eco" is familiar to you. And for those who do not know - this is the so-called "pregnancy from the test tube."

Extracorporeal fertilization is the fertilization of the male spermatozoa of the female egg, but not in the natural environment (uterine pipes), but in a special medical vessel (Petri Cup). Eco method for some couples is hardly the only way to become parents.

Make Eco only in medical centers dealing with infertility. Prior to the process of fertilization of the egg and then its submarks in the Women's uterus, usually passes a couple of months - this is from the moment the pair together with the attending physician decided on the procedure. First, a man and a woman pass a complete medical examination. If there is an indication - the treatment of related diseases.

Then a woman is prescribed special hormones in the form of injections, which allow you to mature in its ovaries not one egg cell, but at once several. The man is also prescribed supporting and stimulating treatment so that its sperm has become more active. Stimulation and hormone therapy lasts from 9 to 18 days.

Starting from 7-8 days, a woman looks on the ultrasound apparatus every day to see the readiness of the uterus to the reception of the fertilized egg. Day 3 to the alleged term of the woman is withdrawn by mature eggs. The procedure is almost painless, but a woman can make a short-term intravenous anesthesia for a woman. Eggs are withdrawn by taking puncture from ovaries. The puncture is made by a special aspiration needle, which is introduced through the vagina - the fence of the egg takes place under ultrasound control. At the moment when a woman is taken with an egg, a man collects his cum into the test tube.

Next, the eggs and sperm are transmitted to the laboratory to the embryorators specialists who put spermatozoa to eggs. It is expected that the stimulated spermatozoa is fertilized by eggs. If everything happens according to the plan, after two or three days in the test tube there are several full-fledged embryos. It is at this time that the most developed embryo is sitting in the uterus to the woman. It happens on the gynecological chair, and the procedure is completely painless. The uterus is instrumentally operated through the vagina and the embryo is introduced into it through a special eco-catheter.

Surely you remember that several embryos should develop in the test tube. If doctors have doubts that the most developed embryo is captured in the uterus (pregnancy comes), then a woman can offer to put a few pieces of embryos, in the hope that at least one takes place. The remaining embryos, by agreement of the pair, can be passed to a special cryo-bank - for other fruitless pairs, or to use them later.

The ECO procedure is ambiguously perceived in the world - in some countries it is even prohibited. In Russia, embryologists and legislative officials do everything so that every couple can become happy parents.

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Olga 03/16/2016 at 15:33

My husband and I did the ECO procedure in Altravit's Moscow clinic. Many surveys could be in place. A physician Lvova was treated by the doctor, stimulated by the Puregone (transferred stimulation without complications). We received 12 eggs, after fertilization there are 6 good embryos and 2 AA embryos and AV were attached. Pregnancy got a one-loddy, our baby was born recently !!!

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Marianne 12/17/2016 at 1:19

Olga, very glad for you and your family. I so hope that I will also work first from the first time, I pray. I am my doctor Ivanova Juliana Yurevna from the clinic K + 31 instills such hope, so supports me that it seems to me the result will be positive. We have been prepared for two months already, the husband takes some drugs on the advice of Andrologist, I also finish treatment and start a protocol after the new year.

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