What day is the implantation

What day is the implantation

The embryo implantation is one of the key moments of pregnancy, when the fertilized egg is embedded into the mucous membrane of the uterus, while the body determines whether the embryo does not have pathologies. If there are serious deviations - it is rejected, but if everything is in order - the body sends all the forces on maintaining and developing a new life. When and how this process is happening - read further.

After ovulation, the egg begins to move in the uterine pipes. It is there that it meets with spermatozoa in the case of seeds during sexual intercourse and fertilizes. After that, the embryo movement (fertilized egg), protected by a shiny shell of glycoproteins from external influences, continues. In general, the journey of egg cells lasts 7-10 days from ovulation.

During implantation, this shell is reset and attached to the endometry of trophoplast (inner layer), this is called hatching in the scientific language. Then the villi penetrate deeper into the growing mucosa layer and distinguish the enzymes necessary for deep immersion of the embryo in the endometrium.

During the whole process, the maternal organism diagnoses genetic information of the embryo. In case of detection of essential disorders, the protective mechanisms of the embryo rejection are launched, menstruation begins.

For successful implantation, the endometrium must contain the amount of nutrients needed for nutrition and achieve a little more than 1 cm thick. Hormone progesterone contributes to the growth of endometrial and latency of menstruation. Too thick brilliant sheath of the fertilized egg can prevent implantation (such cases are possible with eco and in women older than 35 years), so to increase the probability of success in these cases on the shell, notches are made with a laser (auxiliary hatching).

Implantation is also possible, which takes place up to 7 days after ovulation, it is called early. With eco, as a rule, implantation is late (more than 10 days), since the adaptation of the embryo also needs time. In case of success in the parent organism, a number of changes occur: those cells that surround the embryo are transformed into decidual cells carrying the embryo and participating in the formation of the placenta. These cells begin to actively produce hCG, the hormonal background changes, the blood flow in the uterus is enhanced. Now we can say that the woman is pregnant.

Women's observations show that implantation is accompanied by early symptoms of pregnancy: minor pain at the bottom of the abdomen, weakness and drowsiness is felt, the head is spinning, the mood differences are seen. Scarce bleeding is also possible, since the mucous membrane is destroyed at the place of implantation. Normally, they must stop in a couple of days, otherwise it is worth seeing a doctor.

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