How to treat endometriosis

How to treat endometriosis

Endometriosis is a serious illness, as a result of which the mucous membrane of the uterus (endometrium) increases abroad. At the same time, nodes are formed on ovaries, phallopywesters and even on the organs of the abdominal cavity.

What is dangerous this disease? First of all, endometriosis does not allow a woman to get pregnant. In the early stages of the disease, the endometrium grows in the deeper layers of the uterus, forming nodes. The uniformity and smoothness of the surface is disturbed. Inside the organ, the fertilized egg cannot be gaining. Therefore, pregnancy does not occur.

How to treat endometriosis

With more extensive structures of the endometrium, spikes appear in phallopyan pipes and neoplasms on the ovaries. Accordingly, it is impossible to get pregnant. Even if pregnancy occurs, miscarriages are possible due to the unreliable attachment of the fetal egg. In the late period of pregnancy, the placenta shifts to the exit. Quite often, obstetrics install such women on the neck of the uterus special rings preventing premature birth.

To date, not fully established the cause of endometriosis. But doctors believe that the abnormal proliferation of the endometrium can be triggered by hormonal failure, abortion, oral contraceptives. There are cases where endometriosis is diagnosed in nulliparous women and teens who are not sexually active.

How to treat endometriosis

There are three treatment options:

  • operational;
  • conservative;
  • alternative.

How to treat endometriosis

Progestins (conservative method) are treated by the battered women who want to get pregnant. At the same time, the disease is impossible to cure, are projected only slow down the progression of the disease. To remove the nodes inside the uterus and in phallopy pipes, it is necessary to intervene. From the cavity of the formation of education is removed by hysteroscopy. This is the safest method that allows a woman to get pregnant. Spikes in the uterine pipes dissect laparoscope. This is an unusual surgical operation. Through the skin on the stomach, three rods are introduced into the Fallopiev pipe, one of which with a video camera. The doctor fully controls the process and sees lesion foci. Other rods dishes spikes. It is desirable that the woman becomes pregnant in the first 6 months after surgery, as the recurrences of the disease are possible.

How to treat endometriosis

The most progressive is the alternative method. Woman takes Gonadotropin, which causes artificial climax. For half a year, a woman does not go monthly and eggs are not formed. All neoplasms disappear due to the lack of female hormones and ovulation. After 6 months, the drug is canceled - and the menstrual cycle is restored. Many are not solved on this treatment method due to the high cost of hormones (gonadotropin). In addition, there are a number of side effects. On a woman, a woman may have a mustache, the voice will become more rude. In some cases, there is an increase in weight.

How to treat endometriosis

After childbirth, the mucous membrane of the uterus is completely updated. Therefore, pregnancy is considered the best way to treat endometriosis (adenomyosis).

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Irina 13/10/2019 at 11:33.

I was just an alternative way and was treated. Quite successfully, I want to say. It's hardly, of course, there were hormone hormones ... All the same, it was not well-being influenced by the well-being, but I still made an indol forte, because it helps to maintain women's health and has antitumor properties (ordered on shop. Evallar, by the way, it is much more convenient). As for me, such a totality of measures is the most effective)

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