What is dangerous abortion

What is dangerous abortion

Not always the pregnancy is desirable, because children require a lot of attention and cash. Sometimes the process of childbirth does not fit into the plans of the woman, so it is solved on an abortion. Before making an operation, find out what is dangerous abortion.

About 75% of all infertility cases are associated with the first abortion. This is due to the fact that the woman's body remembers the scenario of the first chopped pregnancy and repeats it. Thus, in the event of a desire to endure and give birth to a healthy child in a woman, miscarriages happen.

What is dangerous abortion

In addition, abortion is in most cases blindly. With the help of a curette (hook), the fetus body is dismembered into small pieces and removed from the uterus through the cervical canal. In the process of operation, the doctor may accidentally hurt the mucous membrane of the uterus and even a layer of myometrium. In this place, a scar tissue is formed, which is much thicker endometrial. For the next pregnancy, the fertilized egg can not attach to a dense area and comes out during menstruation. In fact, fertilization occurs, but there is no pregnancy.

What is dangerous abortion

After an abortion, spikes are often formed in the uterus and uterine pipes, which may prevent the onset of pregnancy. The foolopium pipes are merging the spermatozoa with an egg, but due to adhesions it does not happen. After several unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant, the woman appeals to the doctor who announces a disappointing diagnosis. Pipe infertility is successfully treated by dissection by laparoscopy.

What is dangerous abortion

Frequent abortions lead to thinning of the walls of the uterus. If you wish to endure the child, the woman's body is not ready for it. Due to the loss of elasticity, the uterus is in constant tone, which leads to miscarriage.

During pregnancy, the concentration of estradiol in the blood increases several times. After an abortion, this hormone can lead to the development of a tumor in the chest or in the uterus. The consequences of abortion depend not only on the experience of the doctor, but also from the state of health of the woman. Patients with a negative rhesus factor is prohibited to make abortions. The fact is that if the Father has a positive rear factor, then the child will inherit him. Accordingly, a rhesus conflict will arise, which will strengthen the production of antibodies from the mother. With subsequent pregnancies, a woman will produce a huge amount of antibodies that perceive the fruit as an infection or a virus and try to get rid of it.

Sometimes an abortion changes the hormonal background, and in the ovaries, the woman does not ripen the egg. It becomes possible due to disadvantages of progesterone and estradiol. Even prolonged treatment with the use of hormonal drugs can be unsuccessful. If you think that drug abortion is not as dangerous as surgical, then you are mistaken. As a rule, the fruit does not leave the uterus, but simply freezes inside. It is possible to develop sepsis, which sometimes leads to the death of a woman.

What is dangerous abortion

If you do not plan a child, use contraceptives. At the occurrence of pregnancy, try to make an abortion in the early stages, prefer the vacuum removal of the fetus from the uterus. This will reduce the risk of damage to endometrial and myometrium.

Comments leave a comment
Svetlana 07/05/2015 at 16:26

The photo where step by step get a child on the 23rd week - just awful! I misunderstand the darling of mammies, who after what they see consciously go to the abortion. What do you think?

To answer
    marianna-1984. 07/05/2015 at 16:42.

    Everything happens, and at week 23 it is under medical testimony (after ultrasound in 20-22 weeks), if pathology is detected.

    To answer

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