What to do with ectopic pregnancy

What to do with ectopic pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy - pathology, as a result of which the Fetal Egg is not in the uterus, where it is necessary, and outside it. In 98% of cases of this pathology, the fertilized egg is fixed in the uterine tube, sometimes in the ovaries, the abdominal cavity or in the cervix.

Normally, the fertilized egg "is absorbed" by the uterine cavity using alternate cuts in the muscles of the walls of the uterine tube. Once in the uterine cavity, the embryo is attached to the wall and begins its development.

There are several reasons for which a fruit egg cannot penetrate the uterus. This is the obstruction of the uterine pipes or the violation of their functions. Disturbed functions may be due to inflammatory processes and adhesions. It is also possible to congenital pathology, in which the contractile function of the uterine tube is broken, which prevents the transportation of the fertilized egg.

Ectopic pregnancy is characterized by the same signs as the usual pregnancy. There is a delay in menstruation, nausea is possible, weight gain and so on. Until 4 weeks, a woman does not experience any discomfort that does not have a healthy pregnancy. An unpleasant feeling occurs after the first month of pregnancy - the fruit egg grows and its sizes begin to stretch the uterine tube. In this case, pains are possible at the bottom of the abdomen, as well as non-discontinued discharge. These are the first signals to appeal to the gynecologist.

After the initial inspection, the gynecologist will send the patient on the ultrasound, where the diagnosis is confirmed or refuted. In case of detection of ectopic pregnancy, urgent stationary treatment is shown.

It is impossible to endure a child with ectopic pregnancy. If you do not interrupt it with medical care, the uterine tube will take place, which is fraught with serious complications. Removal of a fetal egg from the pipe produce a laparoscopic method, in which they try to preserve the sweetemic ability of a woman as much as possible. In the extreme case, the extended extension operation is carried out. This method is used only in cases life-threatening - the pipe break, extensive internal bleeding.

Postoperative therapy includes hormonal and anti-inflammatory treatment, which should prevent the formation of adhesions and re-ectopic pregnancy.

Subsequent pregnancy is recommended no earlier than 6 months later. In this case, repeated cases of pathologies are not excluded. Therefore, if a history is a diagnosis of "ectopic pregnancy", this factor should be taken into account in the future when planning pregnancies.

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