Cytomegalovirus during pregnancy, what to do

Cytomegalovirus during pregnancy, what to do

Infection of cytomegalovirus infection or herpessrus of the 5th type man is particularly dangerous during pregnancy. At the same time, many people are the carrier of this virus and do not even notice his presence. It is important to find out at the planning stage or in the first weeks of pregnancy - do you have antibodies in the blood to this infection, or you fall into the risk group.

Danger cytomegaly during pregnancy

If you are already infected with this virus, antibodies for infection were formed in the blood. In the event of a relapse of the disease due to weakened immunity during pregnancy, cytomegalovirus will suppress the antibody in your blood, and the risk of fetal infection will be only 1%.

If the virus first got into your body in the period of the child's rings, the risk of fetal infection is from 30 to 50%. In case of infection, the following consequences are possible:

  • intrauterine child death;
  • disproportionately small head and underdeveloped brain;
  • defeat the central nervous system;
  • slow growth;
  • enlarged spleen and liver;
  • jaundice;
  • brown rash on the body.

Some babies die in the first days of life. About 10% of the survivors have serious health problems in the future, namely:

  • hearing loss;
  • vision violation;
  • mental retardation;
  • other psychological and physical diseases.

But in most cases, children are passive carriers of the infection, which does not manifest itself in the future. Much depends on the gestational age at infection: in the first trimester the risk of abnormal development of the fetus is very large, in the later periods of the virus may not have a serious impact and move in a latent form.

How to treat cytomegaly during pregnancy

If the blood test at the first time of pregnancy showed the presence of a viral infection, the treatment you are not required. Infection once happened and your body has already taken care of everything and developed antibodies. In the absence of a virus during primary analysis and its detection at later - it is necessary to undergo a certain treatment, which will reduce the risk of kid infection. The manifestation of cytomegaly is observed 20-60 days after infection.

To suspect infection by the following symptoms:

  • headache;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • vomit;
  • chills;
  • muscle soreness;
  • bronchitis.

In the absence of timely treatment, ARVI develops, the internal organs are affected, the urinary system.

The course of treatment during pregnancy includes the following appointments:

  • immunoglobulin anticyloviral man;
  • antiviral drugs;
  • immunomodulators.

The integrated effect of these drugs provides virus neutralization, prevents its reproduction and reduces the risk of fetal infection.

Preventive measures

If the antibodies to the Herpes 5th type virus do not detected in your blood, observe certain precautions. There is no reliable way to protect against this infection, but reduce the risk of infection is quite possible:

  • We wash your hands regularly, in particular after the replacement of diapers or contact with the saliva kid.
  • Do not eat from one plate and do not use one dishes with young children.
  • In the period of having a child, avoid bodily contact with the mucous membranes for up to 6 years, that is, do not kiss them in the lip or cheek. You can kiss them into the top or open your arms.
  • Use condoms during sexual intercourse and avoid oral sex (if you do not have a permanent partner).
  • When working in kindergarten, try to contact with older groups and do not take yourself in the load of kids to 3 years.

Cytomegalovirus during pregnancy presents a serious threat to the health of the future kid. Much better if you are already a passive carrier of this virus. But if this is not the case, preventive measures will help protect your child from possible pathologies, because by itself this virus is not very contagious and requires close and long-term contact with the carrier.

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