How often can I do ultrasound during pregnancy

How often can I do ultrasound during pregnancy

Given the safety, simplicity and availability of ultrasound research - it can be done daily to enjoy the image of his beloved Chad. Harm from the penetration of ultrasonic waves is at the study stage, but many moms shared their impressions as during the record of the baby on video ultrasound, he was repelled from the sensor with handles and legs, trying to hide. And here there is another question - for what is unnecessarily disturbing your child? Officially, doctors recommend conducting a study 3 times. For what and when, find out from our article!

Uzi at the first weeks of pregnancy

The diagnosis of pregnancy in the early deadlines is possible on the period of 2.5-3 weeks from conception, which corresponds to the delay of the menstrual cycle in 3-5 days. As a rule, without complaints of a pregnant woman, doctors do not prescribe early diagnosis. But many caring mothers go to the examination for "themselves" to calm down and know exactly what the baby is all right. Diagnostation is carried out for the following purposes:

  • Certificate of pregnancy with positive test.
  • To clarify the deadline and detect the number of embryos.
  • To exclude or confirm the ectopic attachment of the embryo.
  • The presence of heartbeat determines the viability of the kid.

If everything is fine with your state of selfishness, the examination of the doctor and analyzes is normal, there is no need to conduct early diagnosis of pregnancy.

When it is necessary to conduct the first ultrasound during pregnancy

The first ultrasound examination, thanks to which you can make sure that the well-being of the baby is held in 12-14 weeks. At the first screening examination, the doctor studies:

  • Features of the skeleton and physique of the fetus.
  • Makes measurements formed head.
  • Checks the proper layout of internal organs.
  • Measures the volume of ammunition waters.

Although the term of pregnancy is still small, the doctor will already be able to calculate the amount of fingers on the handles and even presumably to say the floor. Moreover, 12 -14 weeks is an ideal period for detecting chromosomal anomaly and external deformities - DownSA and Endvars syndrome.

When the second ultrasound is held during pregnancy

The second screening study of the kid is recommended to hold on the term of the embryo development of 20-24 weeks. During this period, it is already possible to study in detail individual parts of the baby, consider in detail the internal organs and their formation. Under the condition of good visualization and position, the floor is determined with an accuracy of 90%. The teen tummy doctor examines the state of the scar (if a cesarean section was conducted), determines the level of development of the placenta, considers the number of vessels formed in the umbilical cord and examine their blood flows. It is also a complete examination of the cervix to eliminate various pathologies.

Third screening ultrasound during pregnancy

The third screening ultrasound research of the fetus is recommended to be carried out in 30-34 weeks of pregnancy. The main task, practically prepar ultrasound, identification of late malformations of organs and kid systems. The last trimester determine the mass and growth, the height, thickness and the degree of maturity of the placenta are measured. Also, doctors explore the position of the child in the uterus cavity, which will depend on the type of delivery. Especially important in the third study - to study the degree of maturity of the lungs. In case the childbirth come earlier.

What opportunities are modern drugs ultrasound for pregnant women

Future mothers and dads really want to see their baby even at the stage of pregnancy. Modern devices have learned to show not just black and white pictures, but color real photos. In the HD mode on the monitor, you can see movements, emotions and even swallowing the octoped water of the fetus. If desired, the doctor will record intrauterine video on electronic media, for storage in the family archive.

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