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  • Love
    To be able to seduce a man - the main thing that the woman should be able to and that is why it is worth knowing how to do it.
    16.07.2018 362 0
  • Pregnancy
    Modern couples practiced in their sex life during menstruation without protection, being sure that pregnancy will not come.
    05.10.2017 398 0
  • Sex
    Beloved man is tired of monotony? Sexual addictions fade or even visited a dead end? Then urgently need to take something in relation to behavior, as sex is an integral part of the marital life or a couple, which only began the path of interconnection.
    27.06.2017 475 0
  • Treason
    Perhaps you suspected your man in treason and earlier, or lived in complete ignorance, but at one point there was a terrible truth - a loved one has changed you.
    03.06.2017 397 0
  • Anatomy
    Many women faced such an intimate problem as low excitability. It would seem that it is not so scary, but in fact it is very harmful to the sexual relations of the couple, as a man is already in combat "willingness", and the woman is not at all.
    21.05.2017 415 0
  • Love
    Over time, romance is not so pronounced, passion disappears and everything is filled with ordinaryness.
    28.03.2017 489 0
  • Children
    A child can manifest allergic reactions to any external stimulus - dust, food, surrounding household items and animal wool.
    11.03.2017 370 0
  • Relationship
    It doesn't matter what kind of orgasm can physically experience a woman - a vaginal or clitimeal, that's what you need to do to get it, make more intense or just deliver the girl an unforgettable pleasure in bed.
    05.03.2017 482 0
  • Relationship
    Sex is an important component of the life of lovers. Modern enlightenment in the sexual area led to the fact that talk about sex does not cause embarrassment, but at the same time many couples do not speak each other about what they are not satisfied.
    04.03.2017 426 0
  • Health
    Viagra is a highly efficient drug intended for the full treatment of erectile dysfunction.
    20.02.2017 493 2
  • Sex
    Masturbation (onanism) is a normal, natural process, with which the nervous voltage is removed and hormones are released.
    28.01.2017 580 0
  • Health
    Viagra today is considered among men the most popular tool to eliminate erectile dysfunction and return potency.
    21.01.2017 521 2
  • Love
    Over time, intimate life between lovers becomes not so bright and saturated, since the passion is replaced, stronger, but also less fervent feelings, such as friendship, relatives, affection and others.
    16.01.2017 449 1
  • Sex
    The very first reason, due to which women feel silent in bed - dissatisfaction with their body, uncertainty in their attractiveness.
    26.11.2016 638 0
  • Anatomy
    Many people, regardless of age and marital status, are familiar with such a concept as - masturbation.
    12.11.2016 673 0
  • Sex
    Now we will discuss a very important moment of love relationships, namely, how to learn to make cunnilingus or, as it is called, Kuni.
    12.10.2016 586 0
  • Sex
    Masturbation has always been accompanied by a multitude of taboo, the number of which began to decrease only the last decade.
    09.10.2016 1040 0
  • Relationship
    Squirt is an exceptionally female feature. Under the squirt implies a strong emission of a certain amount of fluid from the vagina during orgasm.
    10.09.2016 729 0
  • Treason
    Treason is the main reason for the breaking of the relationship. Everything is simple if the couple is simply found, and they do not associate the bonds of marriage.
    05.02.2016 909 2
  • Pregnancy
    The conception of a child is a very responsible and important moment in the life of every person. But not every sexual act is directed to the creation of a new life.
    03.02.2016 760 0
  • Relationship
    In the middle of the last century, it was distributed and became an extremely relevant theory about the existence of a special erogenous zone - the point G, which became incredibly popular among the public.
    23.01.2016 1057 0
  • Sex
    The average sexual intercourse duration in two or three minutes is unlikely to meet the partner.
    04.01.2016 1554 1
  • Diseases
    The appearance of pain during sexual intercourse is an unnatural phenomenon and may indicate the disease.
    03.04.2015 1864 0
  • Relationship
    Each of us wants to have a high-quality sex life, receiving regularly pleasure, new sensations.
    22.12.2014 2985 0
  • Relationship
    This question worries not only inexperienced young men. Mature men are given over the years of family life behind their backs, since the once blazing passion has a tendency to fade over time.
    22.11.2014 7094 0
  • Relationship
    To enjoy the success of the girls, it is necessary to learn to understand women's psychology. Determining the motives of their actions, you can easier to understand them, which will significantly increase your chances of success in sexual terms.
    09.11.2014 5984 0
  • Relationship
    Sex pleasure is two species - emotionally and physical. They are closely related to each other. But it happens differently.
    06.11.2014 3127 0
  • Acquaintance
    The girl is enjoyable signs of attention of the real man, but in no way obsessive banal compliments of a snotty boy or a ridiculous type.
    01.11.2014 1421 1
  • Relationship
    Thoughts about the class of anal sex came to the head of every person, especially men, at least once.
    31.10.2014 4061 0
  • Love
    Sex is not only the physical satisfaction of instincts and needs, it is also a way to express love and proximity between a man and a woman.
    30.10.2014 9219 5
  • Relationship
    In the intimate life of every person, no matter youth or girls, there are a number of important events. These include the first proximity.
    27.10.2014 3243 0
  • Anatomy
    The question of whether it is possible to have sex into menstruation, not one generation of men and women worries. And if earlier it was unambiguously disappointing before this, today the perspective of the consideration of this intimate question is much wider.
    25.10.2014 2354 0
  • Love
    Many girls think about the question of how to deliver the man's maximum pleasure. There are a lot of options, how to make a loved one - just take the initiative in your hands!
    13.10.2014 2345 0
  • Relationship
    A number of factors can lead to a decrease in the duration of sexual intercourse. This may be a consequence of chronic visa, inflammation of the prostate or rear of the urethra, various infectious diseases, hormonal failure.
    28.09.2014 1556 2
  • Pregnancy
    Pregnant using a condom, unfortunately, you can. This warns consumers one of the most famous brands of condoms, pointing to its packaging that their use does not guarantee one hundred percent protection against unwanted pregnancy.
    14.09.2014 2112 1
  • Love
    Sooner or later, unfortunately, even a passion may disappear even at the temperature of the temperamental pair. Relationships become fresh, every next day is very similar to the previous one, in which there is a place for work and domestic worries, but there is even a hint of a passionate intimate life, as once, in former happy times.
    11.09.2014 1376 1
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