Many women face such an intimate problem as low excitability. It would seem that it is not so scary, but in fact it is very harming the sexual relations of the couple, as a man is already in combat "willingness", and there is no woman at all. And usually pairs are either starting so, without the excitement of a woman (which, naturally, negatively affects her physical health, and in moral condition), or long and persistently seek desires from the beautiful half, which is also not the best way to affect the act of love . What to do and how to quickly arouse? We will try to figure out the article.
How to quickly arouse - where does the excitement come from
The excitement, both in the man and the woman goes out of the brain. It is the brain that gives a signal to the body, which leads it into a sexual mood, the small pelvis organs are filled with blood, the secret of the vagina is distinguished.
Many people are confident that if there is no excitement, then the matter is in their genitals. But everything is completely wrong. In 95% of cases of lack of excitability, the reason lies in the head and in the human psyche.
In some women, the brain simply processes erotic information for a long time and does not give a signal to the whole body, and some reason is psychological trauma, which is most often associated with violence. In such cases, there is often no initiation completely.
For women from the first category, there are ways to quickly arouse, but for women from the second category are needed a psychologist or a sexologist.
How to quickly arouse - the causes of slow excitability
It is worth finding out the reason for slow excitability:
- as mentioned earlier - psychological trauma;
- problems in life;
- bad sexual partner;
- negative feelings for a partner.
The first reason, as already mentioned, a psychologist should solve.
The second reason may be self-balance. Surely everyone is familiar with the situation when the head is scored by different problems during intercourse, and there is no place for excitement. As soon as problems go, then the arousal should return, if, of course, other reasons are not coincided with this.
The third reason is widespread and can be solved if there is a desire for both sides. There are situations when a man loves, is good, caring, gentle, but in sex a full zero, hence the complete absence of desire. I don't want to lose an ideal man, but it is also impossible to have sex to have sex through strength too. Then it is necessary to sit down and frankly talk to your half. Explain what you do not like what you would like him to use in sex, try new poses and places. If a man loves you, he will definitely understand and go to meet.
The decision of the fourth reasons is obvious - you need to throw such a partner, to which not all is solved. Live with an unloved husband for children, apartments, money, or because of fear and have sex, grinding from the disgust. You can fix this situation only by parting.
How to quickly sway
If the above reasons do not concern you, and you simply excite for a long time, then you need to adhere to several tips to accelerate the excitation.
- On the day, when the sexual act is planned, try to think more often about the upcoming pleasure, draw in fantasy how you would like to implement it, in which posture and place. And for the necessary moment you will already be in the right mood, still quite a little bit and excite will cover you with your head.
- Get yourself a sex toy or a few. Many consider it to be extremely measured, but in fact it is completely normal, and many couples use such devices than seriously improve their sexual relations.
- Feel free to watch the films of erotic content and represent themselves at the point of actors. So you will not only quickly excit, but also learn some postures and techniques.
- Get yourself as you would like to do your man, and preferably in his eyes. Standing!
- An important factor for excitement is the external situation. Beautiful and clean bed linen, comfortable temperature, silence ... Agree, nice. Although some excites a completely different atmosphere, so it can well try and find out wherever you are faster than all. Tell me "Yes!" experiments.
The sacrament of the excitation is quite individually, but using the advice presented above, you can significantly speed up the occurrence of desire.