How to extend the sexual act man

How to extend the sexual act man

The average sexual intercourse in two or three minutes is hardly able to satisfy the partner. It does not mean at all that at the first failure you need to beat the alarm, run to doctors or, even worse, closes on the problem. But, how to get rid of premature ejaculation, prolong sexual intercourse and learn to deliver favorite pleasure in bed as long as possible? Let's consider the most effective uncomplicated techniques and tricks, allowing to turn into an excellent lover.

We study the techniques of control of orgasm to extend the sexual act

The "Stop - Start" method is based on the ability to keep ejaculation at the peak of excitation. For this, for a while, stop friction, restore your breath and mentally distracted by foreign topics. As an addition to this method, compress member with a large and index finger or slightly pressing the crotch area.

To extend the sexual intercourse in this way, you must repeatedly train and choose a suitable pose for self-control (for example, "man behind").

We train the muscles, deterrent seeds, to extend the sexual act

In position, starting to walk, raising his knees. After a bit, bend the knees and cut the muscles of the buttocks, as if they hold the stone. For several minutes, we run running on the spot, without taking the floor socks. Effective exercise to extend the sexual act is the active movement of the pelvic up-down, left-right in the position of the lying. At the end of the workout, in the standing position, after a slow exhalation, delay the breath, we lean forward and actively draw the bottom of the abdomen.

The set of exercises several times a week allows you to better learn and feel your body and learn to control the necessary muscles during sexual intercourse.

Modern yoga technique allows not only to learn to control orgasm, but also removes the overall voltage of the body.

We reduce the sensitivity of the head to extend the sexual act

The use of anesthetic ointments is dulling the sensitivity of the head, thereby extending the process of copulation. The same effect can be achieved by two condoms. To resort to the help of medicines should only be in extreme cases.

Right eat to extend the sexual act

Lovers of long pleasures should stick to a special diet. The diet should include such products like eggs, lentils, liver, nuts and seafood. The high content of zinc and oxygen in them allows strengthening the blood supply to the "main" body and significantly improve the erection. Extend the sexual intercourse will help magnesium-containing products: apricots, beans, prunes.

We practice folk remedies to extend the sexual act

Healing properties during sexual impotence and early ejaculation has ginseng root. His infusion is taken in the morning and in the evening before eating. Green tea with Melissa has a soothing effect.

Premature ejaculation should not cause a sense of inferiority. This is a normal physiological process, whose solution can be found by trusting its partner. Change lifestyle and experiment! Remember! The more often you have sex with your loved one, the faster the problem will disappear!

Comments leave a comment
MARIK 08/13/2018 at 7:01

Good tips, persistent erection are a number of reasons. First of all, food, you can drink effects triumulus, pumpkin seeds, green tea, honey with nuts. Also, not a little important sport or light fiz loads, the prelude before the act.

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