How to stop masturbating

How to stop masturbating

Many people, regardless of age and marital status, are familiar with such a concept as - masturbation. This word means to deliver the pleasure of yourself. Over time, the "pleasant lesson" can turn into a detrimental habit of which it is very difficult to refuse. Taking your strength and will in the fist, you can easily handle such a problem!

How to stop masturbating - a general concept

As statistics shows, to twenty years 80% of young men and 60% of girls at least once, but caressed their body to receive orgasm. Sexologists argue that masturbation itself does not bring any harm to a person, being a single informed action. Normal cases are considered:

  • Masturbation in a junior adolescent organism due to the overaffect of hormones. The young man remains except to get rid of the growing desire in this way. In most cases, a similar habit takes place when the permanent partner appears.
  • Men often resort to such a lesson when they are dramatically deprived of a constant sexual life, for example, during the period of work, divorced or in prison. For the male floor, this is a forced measure for the earliest discharge of the body. When renewing regular sex acts, a man does not remember this concept.
  • Regardless of the floor and age, people resort to masturbation when "I really want, but not with anyone." This situation is not a pathology, if it does not have a constant basis.

How to stop masturbating a woman

Masturbation exists even in the presence of regular sexual life, especially in women, as a man gets orgasm in almost 100% of cases of sexual intercourse, and a woman is half less. In this situation, the female floor is forced to delight the pleasure of itself to meet their needs. What to do?

  • Due to the rapid sexual act, a woman may simply do not have time to get orgasm. In this situation, do not be afraid to tell your partner about a similar problem. Chute, real man will always take the necessary measures.
  • If even with long sexual contact, you do not get satisfaction and are forced to masturbate after - change the postures during sex and preliminary affairs. When you are at least 1 time out of 3 sexual acts to experience orgasm, craving for masturbation will disappear.
  • Many girls masturbating in adolescence by compressing the thighs are not obtained during the intercourse of orgasm, resorting to secret and forced masturbation. There is only one way out here - to move your body and know new sensations with a sexual partner.

How to stop masturbating a man

Some recommendations will help to get rid of this habit and feel a full-fledged real man:

  • First of all, give the team to your brain and the body that you decide to end this activity. Tell me: "I'm a man why I can't take the will in a fist and tie once and forever?! I will prove myself that I can, I am strong! ". After these words, take every my desire and feelings for strict control.
  • Exclude all encouraging factors that cause a desire to do masturbation, namely, viewing pornovideos and sites containing porncens, remove objects that cause sexual activity and the like.
  • Review your day mode - take your time with work, walks or studies. When you do not have free minutes to lie down and make a masturbation, the habit will gradually go out to the background, and then it will pass at all.
  • In order to remove sexual tensions to engage in active sports. It is physical exercises that help cope with such desires.
  • If there is a permanent sexual partner, spend a mental conversation, it is common efforts that you defeat this problem.
  • Try to dramatically change your life - sign up into new sections or circles, often communicate with friends and meet people so that in the new life there is no time and place for masturbation!

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