How to stop gnawing nails

How to stop gnawing nails

Harmful habits there is a huge amount, but everyone has valuable and necessary. From young age, people have a habit of gnawing legs. Dangerously? Of course! Ugly? Certainly! How to stop nibble nails? Learn a number of effective tips on this topic!

1) How to stop nibble nails - the danger of a bad habit

Science has been proven that there are 2 reasons why a person begins to nibble nails - psychological problems and removal of stress. But besides spray nails, you can acquire serious health problems:

  • When we hold on the handles in transport, grab the door handles and touch the various objects of general use, we enter the nails with many bacteria, including worms' eggs. Therefore, with each lowering of your fingers in the mouth, know that you put all this amazing living creatures in our oral cavity, from where they successfully migrate into the body, and live in it.
  • The nail plate has a sufficient solid foundation, which the dental enamel damages the nap.
  • If there are open wounds in the oral cavity, stomatitis can develop during infection.
  • When biting painted nails, know - the composition of any manicure varnishes includes a substance of formaldehyde, which processed the corpses in the morgue, when entering the body causes intoxication and poisoning.
  • When the habit of gnawing the nails acquires a constant basis, the nail bed is deformed and makes your nails with small and fragile.

How to stop gnawing nails to adult

If you have taken a final decision to get rid of this bad habit, tune in to a long and serious struggle with your body and desires. We offer you several methods, but they all require standing and patience:

  • First of all, establish peace of mind and protect yourself from stress. Get rid of bad thoughts and from the desire in a stressful situation to nail your nails, long-term walks, sports, reading books or watching movies. Interesting lessons will distract you from a bad habit.
  • When a tense situation occurs, which makes you worry and experience a feeling of anxiety - learn to relax. Take a relaxing bath, go to spa treatments or make a sedative massage.
  • If the desire to bite the nails occurs to focus, find the nails to the replacement - eat candy, see the apple or pear, and the toothpicks or a mug of hot tea are also suitable.
  • Start making a professional manicure - when you have acrylic acrylic and various patterns with rhinestone, for which you gave a lot of money, you will just feel sorry to gnaw your nails.
  • The older generation was used by folk remedies - smeared the fingers, rubbed the household soaps under the nails or loosened into the hydrochloric fluid. Agree, these are not very aesthetic methods, today there are various varnishes and gels for these purposes.
  • In order not to occur with the temptation, it is always on hand tools for manicure at hand.
  • Learn to divert your attention - when you want to gnaw your nails, make a needlework, make cleaning in the house or call your girlfriend.

How to stop gnawing nails to a child

What is the reason for the advent of the harmful habit of the child? Many parents think so - if you can not justify the habit from the position of life experience, the genes become guilty. It turns out if mom or dad in orphans gnawed nails, then the children are engaged in this. However, in fact, everything is much simpler, and basically, the true problem lies in the psychological climate of the family:

  • Our children, like sponges, absorb all the information that they see and hear. If a child observes situations every day that adults are rude passersby, turn the road to the red light and nibble nails, then why doesn't he do the same thing? In many evil manners and the habits of their children, we are to blame.
  • When the youngest child appears in the family, you may not notice that they have been working less than the senior time. Review your attitude towards children. Perhaps jealousy and lack of parental attention makes the child nibble nails in order to somehow get rid of anxiety and jealousy.
  • If you indulge your child and you have a trustworthy relationship, but you are too demanding about it - it causes a sense of inferiority and low self-esteem at the kid. What is a prompting factor to take hands in the mouth for calm. Instead of clarification, why he brought today from school 5, but 4, sit down and work out with the child.
  • Try not to find out family relationships under children. Children's psyche is very fragile when the child is a witness to parent scenes and hysterics, he is experiencing a huge excitement and fright. To calm your mental experiences, he begins to nibble nails.
  • Do not try to wean the baby gnawing the nails of painting nail polish, the system of promotion or intimidation, it will not help, and in some cases only aggravate relationships with the child.
  • The secret is simple - become as close as possible with your child, put relationships in the family and talk more with the baby about his mental experiences.

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