How to stop eat sweet

How to stop eat sweet

You can not quietly go to the store by shop windows with chocolates, cakes, cakes and other sweets? But a large number of sweets eaten becomes the cause of excess weight, diabetes and even cancer. Try to overcome your passion for sweet, and you will become a completely different person.

How to stop eat sweet - get rid of the dependence of stages

Remember that sweets are a kind of drug and get rid of this dependence in stages. First limit the use of such products - instead of three chocolates, eat one per day. Please note the following rules:

  • limit yourself in time. Do not eat sweets after four hours of the day. Gradually displaced the time to dinner and the last intake of sweet products - no later than two hours of the day;
  • start monitoring the quality of "yummy". Go to sweets with a lower glycemic index. Instead of baking, we burn the tile of black bitter chocolate and gradually go to dried fruits, nuts and homemade jam;
  • try to cook at home and not buy sweet pies and pastries for snacks at lunchtime. Take for lunch to the office homemade food and warm up in the microwave;
  • do not go into confectionery stores. Train your willpower and do not buy anything there. Refuse to buy candies in the store is easier than to eat all cookies on the shelf in the kitchen cabinet;
  • replace to start cheap sweets on expensive. You will see that you will begin to restrain the value of the dessert and a lot of cookies or candies you do not buy.

How to stop eat sweet - go to useful products

Tasty fruits are also sweet, but they are also helpful. They have a lot of fiber, vitamins and trace elements. Buy an apple, orange or grapefruit instead of chocolate. Do not forget about vegetables - inhabit the fresh red pepper, eat a juicy tomato. Nuts and dried fruits will get rid of you from the desire to eat chocolate. But do not overdo the nuts, there are also many calories in them.

Useful tips for choosing products to replace sweets:

  • buy diabetic desserts. In any supermarket there are shelves with goods for diabetics. In these desserts, sugar replaces fructose. But do not overdo it;
  • replace the sweet protein. Buy protein with chocolate. Prepare a drink - dissolve in milk;
  • prefer products supporting the normal level of glucose. This is buckwheat, solid varieties of macaroni, mushrooms, eggs, cheese, milk. These products will replace favorite cakes, because they contain tryptophan, which makes people happy. Do not skip breakfast, in the morning eat satisfying and during the day it does not want to have a snack;
  • use honey instead of candies and pastries;
  • learn to drink tea and coffee without sugar;
  • refuse sugar, where only possible. For example, stop drinking harmful gas.

Divide the daily diet for 5-6 meals. Eat more often and gradually.

How to stop eat sweet - we find yourself another lesson

Suit! Sport will distract from worship and help get rid of excess weight. You will not want to go back to the sweet, when the figure will be beautiful. Exercise also stimulates happiness hormone production. And the good mood will come without gingerbread!

Find yourself a passion - embroider, read, take a walk with a dog, go in the summer to the beach. Start your favorite thing every time you want to eat candy. Favorite business will save from thrust to sweet.

How to stop eat sweet - get rid of stress

Many use sweet to fight depression and obsessive thoughts. Here the suggestion plays a big role - I ate a candy and calmed down. Do not be mistaken, cookies with gingerbread from stress do not get rid. Favorite classes and thoughts from sweets on something else will help to get out of the closed circle. Try to get rid of stressful situations and remove the nervous tension to walks in the fresh air and herbal teas without sugar.

The craving for sweet is a bad habit, like smoking. Try to eradicate it and see that a good mood will appear and without candies with cakes, and your health will become much better.

Comments leave a comment
Inna 07/09/2018 at 11:02.

Personally, I really helps a lot in this business. Replacing harmful sweets on protein bars and protein

To answer
Alyona 04/26/2019 at 14:39

And I like the protein bars, they help themselves very much, so as not to argue, and from the sweet with them it is easy to refuse. Turboslim has many tastes of these bars and all cool, strawberry cheesecake at all bomb.

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