Why people eating

Why people eating

The food that a person uses is needed to maintain life processes. Food is a kind of building material for the body, as well as the charge of energy for it. In addition, delicious food brings indescribable pleasure. So why do people need to eat so much?

To maintain the metabolism, which happens every second. Such is human physiology. The cells of the body are divided and updated, exchanging products and so indefinitely. In this process, food consumed plays the function of building material: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins that the body is not able to produce independently.

Boredom. Such cases are also not uncommon when a person in order to take something and himself, begins to eat. However, such a phenomenon always has a dark side. To eat for the sake of entertainment is a direct way to obesity. After all, as a rule, at such moments, a person prefers snacks, snacks, sweets, fast food, in a word, extremely harmful food.

To meet psychological addiction. This mechanism is extremely simple: even if the person is not hungry, it is unlikely that it will give up a piece of a delicious cake or a chocolate bar. Such a scheme works almost always.

For energy. Scientists have long proved the fact that without food a person is able to live a maximum of a month and a half, subject to the consumption of water. Next comes the termination of all vital processes in the body. Its functioning is gradually slowed down and soon stops completely.

For pleasure. Especially since the abundance of food today, it is impossible to play it better. Currently, there are so many types of products that this trend will undoubtedly dictate their rules. When entering the supermarket for purchases, a person is waiting for a lot of temptations that do not allow him to pass by himself. Especially this rule works when the body is in a state of hunger. Then everything falls into the grocery basket. Similarly, food is absorbed by the arrival of home.

As you know, a person eats to live. But today food intake has grown into a real cult. That is why humanity suffers from a number of diseases that could be avoided if they eat correctly and in moderation.

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