Why people die

Why people die

Death is afraid of absolutely all, even the most bold and desperate. But why can't we live forever? Why do children die, absolutely healthy youth? Here are some of the main reasons why people die.

From old age. Yes, this is the simplest and understandable reason. Old age comes at each at different ages: someone is given to 100 years old, and someone only up to 60. Much in this case depends on the lifestyle of a person, from the "worn" of his body and heart.

From diseases. The most common diseases among the population of various ages that lead to death: cancer, diabetes, chronic diseases of the lungs and cardiovascular system. No less terrible are diseases of the circulatory system, the presence of thrombus, hepatitis B, C, cirrhosis and others. Compared with them, even AIDS is not as dangerous, although it should not be written off with bills.

From the wrong lifestyle. Overdose drugs, excessive use of alcohol or poor-quality alcohol can be the causes of early death. And thanks to the disorderly sex life, it is possible to find a whole bouquet of diseases in the basement in the basements, which in the aggregate will lead to a fatal outcome.

From chronic fatigue accompanied by the weakening of the body's protective forces. The lack of sleep, the abundant use of coffee or energy drinks in aggregate with improper power (with a low content of beneficial substances), with serious physical exertion create colossal stress for the body, weakened its immune system, give a huge load on the heart. As a result, a person may die even from insignificant at first glance causes precisely because of a weakened organism that cannot resist.

From the fact that the earth's earth is over. Thus, religious people look at death. They believe that the person will die only when he fulfilled his destination.

From accidents. The accident on the road can be attributed here on the road, and the fall of aircraft, flooding of ships, accidents on the railway tracks. The cause of an accident can even be the usual icicle, which will fall on the head from the fifth floor.

From the syndrome of sudden and inexplicable death. It happens when an absolutely healthy person suddenly dies in a dream. Even doctors cannot explain the cause of death. Here is more likely a religious explanation.

Suicide. What way does a person make it, to solve only him. In any case, most of all will be close. In addition, the suicide is forbidden to bury on the general cemetery and relieving, as the church does not accept such a act regardless of the reasons that could provoke it.

Separately, it is worth talking about the childhood causes of death. These include: congenital pathologies, presence, pneumonia, diarrhea, asphyxia, generic injury.

Whatever the causes of the death of a loved one, still worth remembering: we are not eternal. Rejoice to each day and communicate with each other, with parents, do not beware of trifles and watch your body!

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