How to increase immunity to an adult person

How to increase immunity to an adult person

Any adult is worried about his body, and tries to keep himself in a tone as far as possible. But most forgetting that guarding health is, first of all, a strong immune system. So what is immunity and how to increase it? About these issues and will be discussed.

In a nutshell, immunity is the ability of the human body to resist adverse environmental factors. Do you need to raise it? If colds are infrequent guests in your home, you can not worry about this. But if you are too susceptible to various infections, this is the first alarming "bell".

Causes provoking immunity reduction

And here is the question: how to understand how strong the immune system? It's not wanting to hurt anyone. To understand and define it, unfortunately, it is impossible. But it is possible to identify habits that provoke a decrease in the body's protective forces and get rid of them:

  • passion for sweets / improper nutrition. Are you a sweet tooth? Or do you like oily food, fast food? Then you should know how no one should know that the more sugar and the fewer the vitamins enter the body, the longer the white blood cells will not be able to fully fight the causative agents of infections;
  • insufficient amount of water consumed. It is enough to remember the first tip for colds - more warm drinking. Thus, the body is easier to clear from toxins. But how to understand how much fluid for your body will be enough, because all people are different? Approximate norm - 1.5-2 liters per day. Often the body itself makes it clear that we need a liquid - urine becomes yellow (normal - almost colorless);
  • overweight. From him, of course, not to get rid of so quickly as I would like. But it is worthwing that the human body is overweight is susceptible to hormonal failures, various inflammations, violations of almost all systems. In such a situation, an obstacle (and considerable) arises for the full work of the immune system;
  • regular stress. Unfortunately, stressful situations create pressure on our immunity, and this is a fact. Not in vain, after all, people often experiencing psycho-emotional loads (for example, responsible / active work) are prone to constant malaise and colds. The body is a simple language makes it clear that he needs support;
  • low drinking water quality. It is no secret that a person by 90% consists of water, so it is not surprising that high-quality water is so important for our health;
  • dryness in the nose - rather, not a habit, but an alarming symptom. The nasal mucosa is not in vain called "mucosa", since it partially delayed pathogenic bacteria. And if in the nose, which is called dry, it can be fraught with frequent and serious illnesses. In this case, you must immediately contact the doctor.

In addition, hormonal drugs and antibiotics, as well as chronic diseases and various kinds of mechanical injuries, are very strongly affected by the state of immunity.

Support an adult immunity

Immunity, like the heart, should work smoothly, clearly. But various factors sometimes can interfere with it. And then urgent and correct support is required. Make a Life Credo list of measures described below to increase the immune system.

Proper nutrition

Try your diet to build in such a way that the following products are present in it:

  • full protein. Daily eat meat, fish. A couple of times a week add dishes with beans, peas;
  • vegetable and fruit and berry cultures. Try there are more cabbage, beets, carrots, peppers, onions, garlic. Do not forget about the "magical" grenade, prunes, kuragu. Drink red juices with flesh (tomato, grape, etc.);
  • products with potassium content. Boiled cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal) must necessarily be on the table, as well as good old potatoes "in the uniform";
  • seafood. The unsaturated fatty acids contained in them stimulate increasing immunity. Perform preference is raw products. Sushimans Refect! If you are not from their number, then add marine cabbage to the diet, squid;
  • "Live" fermented dairy products. Various biocofirs and biogurts;
  • green tea.

Physical exercise

Sport and physical exertion strengthens our body and health - this is a fact that it is difficult to argue. But at the same time, it is not far from everyone. But why? The answer is simple: intense and frequent sports can create a sleeve for the body, which only "undermines" the main protective barrier. Therefore, approach the choice of a suitable sport should be competent. The ideal option will be fitness, yoga classes, athletics, dancing.

Add to your program practicing practice in the fresh air, away from urban highways. Loads must be regular and, most importantly, moderate. Do not once again expose the body with stress.


Actively engage in swimming, cold pouring, take a contrasting souls in compliance with all the rules (the time to increase gradually, as well as the temperature difference, well-being should be good, etc.). If you suffer from cardiovascular, urinary diseases, then hardening procedures are categorically contraindicated.

Vitamins and Minerals

The immune system can qualitatively support vitamins A, C, RR, B5. Almost all products of yellow and red contain beta carotene, converting to Vitamin A.

Vitamin sources with everyone have long been known: citrus, parsley, lemon, sour cabbage, etc.

Nuts, legumes, bread from coarse grinding flour, buckwheat, mushrooms, cheese - these are the main products that will help "stock" B. Vitamins

Be sure to satisfy the body necessary to strengthen the immunity of minerals: iodine, zinc, manganese, iron, magnesium, etc.

Medicines of natural origin

Traditionally, those of licented extracts of licorice, echinacea, ginseng, Elewerococcus, etc. include all long-known extracts of licorice, echinacea, and others. Take these informas.

Secrets of cheerfulness for adult immunity

About how to keep in the form of the body, it was said more than enough, so finally it is worth mentioning several little secrets, which will lead a mental state (which is also very important):

  • love and this is not a metaphor. Then the Hormone "Happiness" will begin to be developed in your body - endorphin, which, in turn, well strengthens the immune system;
  • think positively. Negative emotions beat greatly on immunity;
  • laugh from the soul. Not in vain say that laughter treats. Sincere positive emotions (you want to believe, you want - no) help the immune system;
  • be active. Sport is definitely good. But we are talking about constant motion (and not in the car / minibus to work). Try smaller sitting on the sofa in front of the TV, etc. Be active in life;
  • spit full. It has long been known that life forces are restored during sleep. Strong, sweet dream - better than any medicine;
  • love yourself and respect your body (do not bother him with any rubbish and harmful products).

Well, briefly and essentially about immunity. Now you know what you can do and what to do is not worth it for your immunity to be strong, and well-being is beautiful. Be healthy!

Comments leave a comment
Victoria 14/09/2016 at 20:06.

good article. We are now the Son of Immunity to strengthen the spray of Morainazal immuno. The pediatrician said this is the best option without using any chemistry. Cool that there is such a means for often ill children.

To answer
Alina 07/07/2018 at 14:55

Fully agrees about a big role in strengthening the immunity of proper nutrition and sports. I felt on myself that how I switched to healthy food and began to go to swimming-immunity strengthened, it became much less likely to hurt. Of course, in addition, I am also Kurkumin Evalarovsky periodically by serving, but still)

To answer
Pauline 08/31/12 at 22:47.

We try to spend more time in nature with the whole family and necessarily at the beginning of autumn and spring cutting Curcumin 500mg, it kills all viruses and we do not even have time to get sick, efficiency is very high!

To answer
Anton 16/05/2021 at 10:59.

The best thing that may be (and doctors are often recommended) - take a tank set of a flap. The doctor said that a lot of microflora depends on the state of microflora, and this is just the same probiotics with confirmed efficiency, they are better not. With them, the truth was sick with them at times less often, and if the disease-quickly everything passes. Given the current unstable situation it is extremely important.

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