How to increase immunity in a child

How to increase immunity in a child

Moms often face the situation when the child went to the kindergarten and began to root often. And if the mother works, she has to be worried in doubly: how not to lose work due to permanent sick leaves, and how to strengthen your child's immune system.

How to increase immunity in a child hardening

One of the most effective ways to strengthen the immunity. Not everyone is solved on it. But those who took advantage of them - received excellent results. Starting hardware, remember, the child must be absolutely healthy!

Hardening - the first way, pouring

  • Preheat the child in the bath or under the shower.
  • Ask a child whether he will be poured, usually children agree with pleasure.
  • Follow the baby from the bucket or from the bucket with ice water movement from the bottom up, starting with the legs. You can add ice to the water to be +4 degrees, no more.

Water should be ice, such water does not cool the body, but easily burns it, causes blood to circulate faster, it is better to work heart. Pouring greatly strengthens the immune system of the child, the child will not help with the wet legs or supercooling. It will be better to endure the heat, and cold, that is, the body will be able to better adapt to any circumstances without harm to health.

One nuance: Never drench the child forcibly! You have to persuade the child, tell me how it is useful and good, how now Santa Claus will come and hug a child's legs, and he will never be sick. If the child still refuses - do not drench it.

Hardening - the second way, walk barefoot

Very often, the child goes in the socks, slippers, we are afraid to give him to step on the floor with a bass foot. As a result, the following happens: shoved my legs - shept, stepped on the cold floor - sick. So that this does not happen - let the child walk barefoot. Control the temperature of the legs, they should not be ice or too warm, cool legs are the norm. When walking barefoot, stimulation of active points at the feet of the legs occurs, the body is harvested.

How to raise immunity in a child - moisturize air

Dry, stupid, too warm air is a great microbial atmosphere. Such air leads to the fact that the nasal moves of the child dry, and the infection is no longer delayed in the nose, but it goes straight into the throat and lungs. Buy an air humidifier, more often carry out the room. Moisturize the nose of the child with sea water, she is perfectly washed with her nose.

How to enhance immunity in a child - Walking outdoors

Walking outdoors will strengthen and enjoy your child. Even in winter, try to spend with a child in the air at least two hours. Ride off the slides, skating and skiing, just run and play snowballs - you will not recognize your child.

How to raise immunity in a child - do not Kut

Some moms and grandmothers are trying too warmly to wear a child, to kill him, considering that the warmer he is dressed, the less chance to get sick. This is not true. In the future, such a child will urge the slightest draft. Dress it on the weather, making an amendment to the activity of the baby. After all, the more active the child is moving on the court, the more hotter, it means that it is easier to wear it.

How to enhance the immunity in a child - food

Proper nutrition is the key to health and severe immunity. Do not forget to include in the diet of the child vegetables and fruits, greens, dishes rich in fiber and microelements. Give a bowl onions and garlic with black bread, many children eat with pleasure.

How to raise immunity in a child - spend your vacation at sea

Very good result for frequently ill children give vacation at sea. The child runs on hot sand - stimulates the feet of the legs. Plays with water and sand, bathes - hardening. When swimming, sea water falls into the nose and rins it. The benefits are obvious. After such a vacation, children return tanned, rested and strong.

There are quite a lot of ways to strengthen immunity. Cut more time in the fresh air, harden and do not ride the child, watch the nutrition - and you will get a healthy child with a strong immunity.

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Ira 02/09/2018 at 13:26

We are immunified with the help of vitamins (immuno) + try more to walk in the fresh air and charging in the morning. It seems to be simple, but it is precisely that the baby does not hurt then when everything in the kindergarten is all with snot. So it's not so difficult to strengthen immunity, there would be a desire.

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Mom Masha 10/31/14 at 8:54.

I am alternating vitamins "immunity" and vitamin "C", I take only natural-baby formula-Evalar in the form of marmalad. Babies like the taste and view, and me the composition: natural juice of sea buckthorn, rosehip and fruit + minerals. Lotters are healthy!

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