Immunity is the main component of the human body. Due to immunity, the body is able to overcome almost any disease. In cases where immunity falls, all viruses and chronic diseases that people have ever suffered instantly remind themselves. In order for immunity to always be normal and did not have the opportunity to decrease, it is necessary to follow their health, to eat correctly, as well as regularly consume products that increase immune System.
How to improve Immunity at home - General principles
It is also possible to support immunity without the help of specialists. To do this, it is necessary to regularly carry out several useful events in the house:
- Regular cleaning and daily ventilation.
- Physical exertion and frequent walks on foot.
- Proper nutrition, rejection of harmful food.
- Refusal to tobacco and consumption of alcoholic beverages.
- Timely sleep.
- Positive emotions and lack of stressful situations.
Observing all of the above methods for strengthening the immune system, you can avoid any colds.
How to increase immunity at home with medical drugs
Maintaining the immune system consists of three stages:
- The enrichment of the human body with the necessary number of different vitamins.
- Feeding the body of those substances that contribute to the correct functioning of cell metabolism.
- Preventive work with possible diseases.
Doctors often prescribe special medical drugs to people to enhance and maintain immunity:
- IRS-19, Ribominyl, Neztin - Medical preparations that can not only increase immunity, but also strengthen it. As a rule, drugs are prescribed by patients with oncology.
- Neovir, Likopid, Manaks - Preparations allowing you to form a vitamin balance in the immune system.
- Infpopheron, Immunal, Arbidol. - Applied with primary signs of colds and flu. Help immune The system can cope with the virus, and also prevent the formation of complications.
- The vitamin complex is considered mandatory for use during a noticeable decrease in immunity.
How to increase immunity at home with products
There is a huge amount of products capable of supporting the vital activity of the whole organism. The advantage of this method of improving immunity is that all the listed foods are located In general, access and have an affordable price.
- Food containing protein - chicken eggs, not fatty meat, beans.
- Gifts of the seas - fish dishes, mussels, lobsters, crabs, flounders or humpback.
- Efficiency products - natural yogurts, cottage cheese, sour cream, rippy and many others.
- Oils - sunflower, olive, sea buckthorn.
- Nuts.
- Craises - barley, buckwheat, oat and wheat.
- Fruit fruits - lemons, oranges, persimmon, peaches, apricots.
- Vegetable fruits - cabbage, beet, Tomatoes, carrots.
How to increase immunity at home by folk methods
People's methods are advised to use only at the moment when immunity is not very weakened. With a more serious decrease in immunity, contact a specialist who will prescribe a more qualified treatment.
- Black currant with honey. Add 200 gr. Natural honey in 500 ml of hot water, then pour out 500 grams, pre-wired black currant. All ingredients must be mixed thoroughly. Divide the drink on 3 parts and consume throughout the day 2-3 hours before meals. The course of reception of therapeutic cocktail is from 2 weeks to 1 month.
- Herbal tincture. In a small dish, mix 1 tbsp. root natherish, 1 tbsp. Licode root, 3 tbsp. Carnations and pinch cinnamon. All collected ingredients grind, warm up red wine up to 80 degrees, then pour herbs. Leave your drink for 1-1.5 hours, then strain. Herbal tincture must be taken throughout the day on 1/3 of the piece of tincture, approximately 40 minutes before meals. The course of reception of therapeutic drink is 1 week.
- Cocktail from lemon and honey. Sick 2 lemons juice, then add 4 tbsp. Natural honey and mix ingredients thoroughly. The healing drink must be taken every morning for 10 days.
- Cocktail of quail eggs. In a separate bowl, mix 1/4 cup of garlic oil, the same amount of yogurt and egg yolks 5 quail eggs. Cooked ingredients should be thoroughly mixed. Eggnog should take every day, 20 minutes after ingestion, for 2 weeks.
The theme of strengthening the immune system will always be up to date. People do not want to get sick, here and try different options for maintaining health. I myself take the following measures: play sports, eat healthy foods and enough sleep. I accept evalarovskuyu antioxidant formula from pharmacy assistants, ordered on It makes up for the lack of vitamins and minerals + protects the immune system.
the best option-receiving probiotics for me because I already have international research proving they positively affects the immunity. I agree to the tank set-Cold Flu, where they were already 17 kinds plus they are resistant to the acid in the stomach. Proven effectiveness of their registered. Agree on a regular basis, have not even remember when I was sick for the last time, and that says a lot.