How to increase hemoglobin at home fast

How to increase hemoglobin at home fast

Hemoglobin is a protein structure substance that is responsible for "transportation" of oxygen throughout the body. Normally, the hemoglobin level for women is 120-150 g / l, and for men - 130-160 g / l. In the event of a decrease in this indicator, a person develops anemia, which leads to the hypoxia of all tissues and organs. In such a situation, it is necessary to raise hemoglobin as soon as possible using all available methods.

How to raise hemoglobin - food

If the problems with hemoglobin were discovered on time, and its level only slightly fell below the norm, it is possible to correct the situation with a strict revision of its menu.

So that health condition improves, you need to use high iron products:

  • Porridge buckwheat and corn.
  • Fruits (apples, strawberries, quince and grenades).
  • Red meat varieties (beef, horse, lamb).
  • Vegetables (beets, radish, spinach).
  • Fish and seafood.
  • Kelp.
  • Chocolate, cocoa.
  • Greens.
  • High fatty dairy products (cream, sour cream, milk).
  • Sub-products (beef liver, language, heart).
  • Bean.
  • Juices (cranberry, drainosorrodein).
  • Mushrooms.

In the day diet should be a sufficient amount of vegetable and animal products.

How to raise hemoglobin - folk remedies

Accelerate the normalization of the level of hemoglobin, you can use effective recipes of traditional medicine:

  • Use 30 ml of fresh beet juice daily or eating a 200 g of boiled root roof. Course treatment - 2 months.
  • Replace the tea decoction of rosehip. 200 ml of boiling water is required to take 2 tbsp. l. Dry fruits that need to be brewed in a thermos for 12 hours. You can drink 1 cup infusion per day.
  • 4 times a day. Take the infusion of nettle. A glass of boiling water must be taken 1 tbsp. l. crushed herbs and brew it. You can also add young spout shoots to vegetable salads.
  • A mixture of dried fruits: Take a piece of nuts, part of the Kuragi, part of the raisin, part of the fig. Grind products in a blender and add honey. The drug is accepted on an empty stomach one spoon.
  • It is possible to raise hemoglobin quickly with fruit salad. Take 500 g of sliced \u200b\u200bapples, 100 g of nuts and 30 g of honey, mix and eat throughout the day.
  • You can take rowan juice 15 g to 4 times a day for 7-10 days.
  • An excellent tool from anemia is Lipa. 300 g of fresh inflorescences need to fill 1 liters of boiling water and insist 12-16 hours. Take infusion in the morning and in the evening. In each glass, 10 g of honey and 30 red wine should be added.

How to raise hemoglobin - preparations with iron content

If hemoglobin fell very much and clinical signs of the disease, one folk remedies and products improve the state very hard. In this case, the reception of special medicines is shown:

  • Sorbifer-Dorules is a complex drug with sufficient content of iron and ascorbic acid. It is made in the form of syrup and dragee. 1-4 tablets are assigned per day depending on blood indicators.
  • Hematogen is a delicious and familiar delicacy with a high content of albumin animals. Great for children and pregnant women.
  • Vitamin complexes are manufactured with different composition, but the presence of iron is mandatory. For example, activ effect with iron and vitamin B9, a totem with manganese and iron.

Balanced nutrition and active lifestyle is an excellent prevention of low hemoglobin. But, if problems failed to avoid, treatment should be carried out only under the control of the doctor.

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Tanya 17/10/2020 at 2:52.

From pharmacy with hemoglobin I recommend paying attention to the chelated form. In such a format, the substance is best absorbed. I increase hemoglobin with the help of Evalarov Iron Chelata, ordering on the After a pair of courses passed tests on hemoglobin, the results were pleasantly pleased.

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