How to increase your child's appetite

How to increase your child's appetite

Lack of appetite in a child is a big problem for parents. After all, a growing organism requires many useful minerals, vitamins and proteins. Therefore, you need to establish a power regime in time so that the nutritional deficit does not affect the full development of the child. But how to do it if the baby categorically refuses?

Why does the appetite in children disappear?

Before restoring appetite, you need to find out and eliminate the causes of its absence. In children, there is a desire to disappear under the influence of such factors:

  • Oral diseases - stomatitis, gingivitis, caries, teething or mechanical damage to gums. With such pathologies, a child can partially or completely abandon meals.
  • Disease of digestive organs - gastritis, pancreatitis, dysbacteriosis or colitis. These diseases cause discomfort in the abdomen, nausea and disgust for food.
  • The depletion of the nervous system is insufficient sleep, emotional overvoltage, strong fatigue. At the same time, the child will be irritable or, on the contrary, apathetic.
  • Lack of oxygen - if the child is in the fresh air less than 2-3 hours a day, it will abandon the food all the time until the normal day of the day is restored.
  • Gliste invasion - the worms lead to complete intoxication of a small organism, which causes the "Mailway" syndrome.

How to lift appetite in a child without drugs

If all possible perpetrators of a bad appetite are eliminated, but the baby still refuses to eat, you can use such techniques to solve this problem:

  • Walking and active games. So that the child was hungry, he needs to spend energy that burns perfectly in the fresh air. Do not be lazy to walk twice a day with the child and play moving games.
  • Bright setting and beautiful dishes decoration. Children from one year old, begin to show individual sympathy for the aesthetic design of food. Try to file a child dishes that are nice to watch.
  • Compliance with the regime and failure of snacks. Whatever it is difficult to you and your child, set the exact time intervals for each meal. After a couple of weeks, the child will automatically produce gastric juice at the occurrence of time for lunch or dinner. In addition, completely eliminate snack with cookies, buns and other sweets between the main meals.

How to raise your child's appetite with the help of folk remedies

  • Drinks for appetite. To stimulate the child's desire to eat, you can use the usual herbal tea from fennel and mint. To do this, take on the floor of the spoon of these herbs and brew a glass of boiling water. For up to 2 years old, it is recommended to give no more than 2 tbsp. l. infusion per day, and older children - ¼ glass 2-3 times a day between meals.
  • Natural vitamins to improve digestion. Offer a child in breaks between food fresh vegetables, berries and fruits rich in vitamin C, A, V. It may be carrots, apples, strawberries, raspberries and other delicious fruits.
  • Accepting bee products. Honey, propolis and bee pollen are perfectly increased and renew the protective functions of the body. But this method is suitable for the condition that the child is not an allergy.
  • Bitterness. Various balsams and Badi on herbs can also improve the appetite situation. But not all children voluntarily agree to take bitter medicines.

The short-term refusal of a child from food is not the cause for panic already excited parents. Try changing the usual day of the day, and a little experiment with the children's menu. But, if the child persistently refuses to eat for a long time - this is an important reason to go to the pediatrician.

Comments leave a comment
Lizza. 27/09/2018 at 10:33

Well, yes, you can't eat a child, especially something useful. In this case, I turn on cartoons in this case, and recently I give bio + vitamos, improves digestion and appetite. He himself comes, he asks to eat.

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