How to teach a child to the nipple

How to teach a child to the nipple

The need for baby nipple-pacifier still causes many disputes. Some doctors and parents believe that this subject not only does not need a child, but even harmful from the point of view of hygiene, refusal to sucking breasts and problems with excessive addiction. In some situations, the nipple turns out to be still an indispensable assistant.

Do I need to teach a child to the nipple?

  • It is sometimes easier to calm the child with a bevel instead of offering breasts. This method is much more convenient during trips, for a walk, when visiting guests or long waiting, for example, in line for the children's doctor.
  • The dummy cuts off during the outdoor games. Many kids try to taste everything surrounds them, including the blades, sand and pebbles.
  • Children who are accustomed to suck a pacifier, faster adapt to feeding by the clock and do not express anxiety, remaining for a while with dad or grandmother.
  • The dummy calms the child well, satisfying the need for sucking. At this time, the methods of pleasure hormones are developed, which contributes to the development of brain activity.
  • According to pediatricians, the desert provides the baby the necessary psychological comfort, making it less irritable.
  • Most children's gastroenterologists positively relate to the use of dust. Too frequent sucking of the chest often leads to meteorism. With the help of the nipple is stimulated by the intestinal activity and the separation of gases.
  • In the period of teething, the dummy does not cause their deformations in contrast to other, more stringent items that the child is trying to nibble.

How to teach a child to the nipple - choose a pacifier

Some children stubbornly refuse the nipples and are experiencing strong anxiety if the mother is trying to give it. Sometimes it is connected with the inappropriate shape of the pacifier and discomfort during sucking. Before buying, pay attention to some features:

  • Read the recommendations specified by the manufacturer - nipples intended for different ages differ in size and form. Typically, there are rams for sizes for sale: from birth to s months, from 6 months from 6 months, from 6 to 18 months.
  • To understand what nipple will be optimally approaching your baby, suggest it in turns of a bevel of different sizes. Some kids do not like when the nipple is too big, others prefer when the dummy takes the entire oral cavity.
  • Nipple shape happens different: simple round, flat and orthopedic. The last option can not only suck, but also bite. Such a dummy will like the child with cutting teeth.
  • Production material may matter. If the baby does not like the silicone nipple, try to replace it with latex.

Popular methods of teaching kid to the nipple

  • If the change of the shape and size of the paws does not help, you can go for a small trick. Lubricate the edge of the nipple with maternal milk or something sweet, for example, honey. Repeat it several times until the baby will take a pacifier with pleasure.
  • Let's nipple a child in such a position in which he got used to get a chest.
  • In the period of teething, apply a small amount of dentinox gel on the nipple - this tool has a soft painkillers. Then the child will experience relief, taking a paw.

Basic Terms of Use Nipples Booth

  • Do not wear a pacifier on the neck of the child on a ribbon or shoelace. Purchase a special clip in the form of a clip that is attached to clothes while walking.
  • No need to constantly lubricate the nipple with sweet syrup. This can lead to the development of caries and the dependence of sucking from a certain taste.
  • Suggest your child with a nipple only if necessary, without encouraging constant sucking. If the baby is calm, remove the pacifier and take it attention to other classes.
  • After a strong fall asleep carefully remove the pacifier from the child's mouth. If you allow the baby to constantly sleep with the nipple, it will lead to addiction. The child will wake up and worry every time the dummy falls, and also to show irritability during wakefulness.
  • Before each use, rinse thoroughly and check the integrity of the nipple for cracks and breaks. With constant use, the dummy must be changed every 1-1.5 months.

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