How to increase serotonin in the body

How to increase serotonin in the body

Relatively recently, medical science has discovered changes associated with the level of serotonin ("hormone of happiness") in the body affecting the mood and emotional health of the individual. These observations and studies led to the discovery of such a group of antidepressants as selective inhibitors of serotonin inverse seizure (SSRS) operating in the restoration of the required amount of this substance.

How to enhance serotonin in the body - Facts

An interesting fact is that an ancient person does not know anything about neurotiators (active chemical elements involved in the transfer of nerve impulses), serotonin and changes in the brain, knew how and procedures for the fight against depression and melancholy. Some of them to this day are considered very effective and easily increase the activity of the "Hormone of Good Mood".

How to enhance serotonin in the body - means

The most affordable means of improving the level of serotonin in the blood is considered a long stay in the sun and a good sleep (at night).

Speaking of other means, it is worth noting a grassy chewing plant of Cannes (Sceletium Tortuosum), in abundance occurring in semi-desert areas of South Africa. It was used to improve the mood among the population of South African tribes. The grass is simply chewed, and the saliva swallowed. Currently, herbs are available as tea, tincture, capsules and gels. It has been proven that they have similar influence with SSRS and have a more powerful effect than a number of tricyclic antidepressants.

St. John's wort is one of the many plants of the Zvetic family, also endowed with the useful properties. The flower, referred to as the joyful of the dended (ordinary), probably the most famous natural antidepressant. The first recorded history of the use of this yellow perennial for medicinal purposes is dated to the period of currency in ancient Greece. Hyperforin (phytochemical compound), generated by a plant, works as a SIRES and is responsible for antidepressive effect.

How to enhance serotonin in the body - Products

The food does not contain serotonin, but the element is found in a meal, which increases this hormone - tryptophan. It is in such products:

  • fermented milk products;
  • ripe bananas;
  • dried fruits;
  • beans and lentils;
  • bitter black chocolate;
  • bulgarian pepper and tomatoes;
  • sweet fruits;
  • buckwheat porridge and white rice.

How to enhance serotonin in the body - exercise

To overcome the feeling of anxiety and feeling of despondency, exercises and traditional diets are often used. Even a small proportion of physical exertion lifts the mood at the expense of the body of serotonin. Special attention should be paid to yoga, meditation, long-lasting walks in the fresh air, cycling.

How to enhance serotonin in the body - Hobbies

Another unusual means to enhance serotonin in the body is considered to be a beloved business. It is at this moment that a person is able to get a lion dose of positive emotions and "pull out" itself from depression. No wonder this method is used by specialists in the field of psychology to help people with chronic depression.

In modern conditions, depression and stress are caused by a rapid pace of life and a specific race to the desired heights. The reality is that a person always wants to keep his existence under control, but, as you know, life is extremely unpredictable, and unforeseen situations are often happening. To always be "on horseback", do not be lazy and hand over blood test for serotonin.

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Michel 05/15/2019 at 6:23

Also, the same time was asked by these questions, just Handra Zadolbala, I did not please anything, then I was advised to try to drink Typtofan's calm formula and more to please yourself with delicious food, thanks to this approach to the problem I think my serangement now rams, the mood has become much better and now I am now I see even bad something good)

To answer
the Rose 11/11/2019 at 15:23

In the fall, I must supply the course of Evalar tryptophan. Raise serotonin level in the body. Hormone joy. I am greatly curled from the weather. Living in St. Petersburg or London could not accurately. On me cloudy weather acts overwhelming. Also days are becoming short. Apathy appears, irritation. The amino acid L-tryptophe and Vitamins B5 and B6 are well helped to cope with melancholy and poor mood.

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