How to make an oxygen cocktail at home

How to make an oxygen cocktail at home

Previously, if it was necessary to undergo a course of treatment and enrich the organism with oxygen, it was necessary to go to the clinic or physiotherapy office (less often in the pharmacy) in order to prepare an oxygen cocktail. This drink is useful, especially for people living in metropolis. Only not everyone has the opportunity to spend precious time traveling to medical facilities. Now this does not have to do, because you can cook an oxygen cocktail without leaving home.

To independently prepare a healthy drink for health, you must first acquire special equipment - this is a balloon (oxygen) and a mixer.

Oxygen cocktail - benefit

The drink is unusual, looks like a huge magnificent foam with various taste additives. The base for the preparation of the beverage is herbal extract, as well as various additives. It can be sugar syrup, juice, honey, etc.

The use of a cocktail is obvious: it satisfies our organism with oxygen, helps to get rid of drowsiness, fatigue, improve well-being, increase immunity, normalize the work of all systems and organs. Cocktail is just necessary for pregnant women, as well as nursing.

It is known that the cocktail cannot be prepared to prepare, immediately after its preparation, the finished drink must be used. If you cannot do this right away, then the foam will fall and naturally, there will be a lot of oxygen in such a drink.

How to make an oxygen cocktail - how to cook

To make a drink yourself, you need to purchase or prepare the following:

  • oxygen pillow;
  • plastic tube (you can make a pipe from cardboard);
  • rubber nipple;
  • pear with a tube;
  • spray.

So, the details are listed, they must be collected in such a sequence. It turns out a mini-apparatus for the preparation of an oxygen cocktail, which can be immediately checked in action.

How to make a drink:

  • Prepare glass containers (volume 1 l), inside which you need to omit the tube (rubber), on top on the tank neck, the tube is needed to fix something. For example, the clothespin.
  • Pour water in the container - 500 ml, you can put any additive (syrup, liquid honey or juice). Instead of water, you can also take herbal infusion (mint, rosehip, chamomile, hawthorn, etc.).
  • You need to pour the whipped protein into the water container (you can beat a wedge, fork or a mixer).
  • Now you need to lower the sprayer at the bottom of the capacity, and you can slowly open the clamp of the oxygen pillow. You will see how bubbles begin to appear on the surface, and then the foam will grow.
  • If you see that the pillow loses the volume, then you need to pull a little pear slightly to fill the reservoir with oxygen.
  • Pena is ready, it is necessary to shock to shock into a wide cup (you can drink a glass) and drink immediately. You will get about 150 m3 oxygen drink.

After cooking a drink, all tools need to be thoroughly rinsed. A jar with water (or herbal infusion) and a protein, cover with a lid and put it in the refrigerator until next time. The sprayer needs to be washed, leaving in a container with boiled water.

Recipes for the preparation of a delicious oxygen cocktail

When cooking a useful drink with oxygen, it is necessary to remember that oxygen should always be in the first place, and then already - various foundations, that is, taste additives.

To prepare a simple and tasty drink, instead of water you can use fresh juices, honey, decoction of rosehip, herbal decoction.

Here is one of the simple recipes for the preparation of an oxygen cocktail:

  • take 20 ml of cherry juice and 50 ml of apple juice;
  • add special powder for the preparation of beverage (1 or 2 g), for example, powder for oxygen cocktails of the Oxygen Country line;
  • stir all the components based on their oxygen.

On contraindications of oxygen cocktail

In oxygen cocktails, there are practically no restrictions, only people suffering from diseases of the stomach and intestines, it is necessary to consult a specialist before the course of receiving oxygen cocktails. If there is a stomach ulcer, then separate components of the beverage can irritate the inflamed mucous membrane (for example, if the drink is prepared with the addition of acidic additives).

People prone to allergic diseases need to carefully select the ingredients for the preparation of a cocktail.

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