How to make lysuan from toothpaste

How to make lysuan from toothpaste

There are many exciting toys in children. Some of them are complex, with many details and components. Others are simple and elementary, but not less fascinating. For example, a lysun toy. What could be an uncomfortable piece of incomprehensible mass, which lipates to smooth surfaces, but does not leave them tracks, can they roll into the sphere and stretch into a thin long thread? In Lizuun it is interesting to play. And even more interesting to make it himself. But what are the components of such a strange substance so that it possesses such different properties?

How to make lysuan from toothpaste

To make a mysterious mass, we will need:

  • transparent toothpaste
  • titan glue in powder
  • plastic bag.

First, in the package squeeze the paste, then we pour out the same powdered glue. Package or fasten, if there is a special clasp, or fill firmly tie. And start the package to ride and shake while all the components between themselves are not mixed in a homogeneous mass.

Ideally, Lizun should work out. Unfortunately, this recipe is in most case it is not working. Why? Probably, it is these components that are not suitable for the manufacture of lysuine and do not allow the desired result.

How to make lysuan of toothpaste from PVA and Sodium Tetragano

So, we go shopping. First we go to the pharmacy and we buy a pair of bottles of sodium tetraborate or borants there, as this drug is also called. Then our path lies in the stationery store, where the goal is the PVA glue with a fresh manufacturing date.

At home, proceed to the manufacture of lysuine. Need to prepare:

  • plastic container;
  • wand for mixing, you can use a conventional ball handle;
  • pVA glue;
  • sodium tetrabrate;
  • gouache - for leasing tin;
  • warm water.

Start. In the container pour glue. Add the gouache of the desired color. All mix. Now we begin to add a boor with drops gradually. It is necessary to stir the mass energetically and constantly! At a certain point, it will begin to harden, becoming elastic. This moment is important not to miss, otherwise the lysun will be too solid and will not have certain qualities. You can adjust warm water if sodium tetraborate turned out to drop or pour a lot, and the mass hardly hardens, but it's better not to do this.

To get a toy-lysun at home in this way, comply with certain proportions of the components there is no need. Only accuracy and attentiveness will make a qualitative result of creativity.

Yes, the lysun from the glue of PVA and the borants has some properties of the Newtonian liquid. If in Lizuun slowly stick a finger or pencil, then it will be soft. If it quickly and strongly hit - then the lysun will be solid. This is another entertaining toy cooked with your own hands.

Lisun and other substances

You can make lizen at home in many ways. Even out of water and starch, plasticine and gelatin. All these components in certain proportions are mixed with each other, forming an elastic mass. But! They will not have the maximum elasticity to possess! Methods for making lizen toys from elementary components that are in every farm, suitable for very little children. For example, parents can be injured by their crumb, if you make such velcro with it:

  • warm water;
  • starch;
  • paints gouache;
  • pVA glue;
  • plastic bag;
  • cup.

We dissolve starch in a small amount of warm water tinted with a gouache so that there is no lumps, and the consistency of the substance was sufficiently thick. Leave cooling. When the fluid becomes room temperature, we pour it out in the package. Add the same amount of PVA glue. Package Close or tie and begin to shake vigorously and roll in your hands. After a certain time, the mass should thicken and the lysun will turn out. If there is also water in the package, then it is just necessary to merge.

Lizun, obtained from starch and glue - a simple toy, not too elastic, not too stretched. But for a small child and the process itself, and the result will be an exciting knowledge of the properties of the surrounding world. And the fact that mom and dad managed to prepare such entertainment, make them just wizards in the eyes of the crumbs.

As we see, the toy-lizun can be made at home. Although, of course, it is easier to go to the store and buy ready-made lysuun. But, you see, it's so boring!

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