How to make newspaper tubes

How to make newspaper tubes

Until recently, weaving from the vine was popular, but because of the high cost of the material, not every master could afford to buy a lot of good quality to row. Making blanks for weaving yourself, is also very problematic. Because of this, you should not refuse your beloved case, because there is an excellent alternative - to make blanks for weaving from the newspaper.

In order to make newspaper tubes, you will need quite a few girlfriend, old newspapers and many, many patience.

How to make newspaper tubes - need tools and materials

To make a lot of weaving tubes, ordinary newspapers will be useful. If at home there are stacks of old newspapers - it's just great! From this material you can make enough workpieces.

Newspaper paper has many advantages:

  • material inexpensive, there is in every home;
  • paper is thin and puffy, so it is easily twisted into the tube;
  • also, the newspaper paper is well absorbed paint, so after the workpiece will be ready, they can be painted in the desired color.

In order to make a tube for weaving, you can use the usual A4 format paper, but not a photocopy, but consumer, such paper is also called newspaper. Old logs, notebooks, cash tape and the like material are also suitable.

Tip: Newspaper paper - fibrous. Fibers are located along the long side of the newspaper sheet. Therefore, before proceeding to cutting blanks, it is necessary to determine the location of the fiber. To do this, put a sheet on the wet tile and see what happens to it. As soon as the paper gets wet, it will turn into a roll. Just this will be the defining factor for cutting paper in the right direction.

With paper, everything is clear that you may still need:

  • glue. Fits the easiest and most affordable PVA glue. You can also use silicate stationery glue in small tubes (adhesive pencil). It is very important to check the glue before use, it should be sufficiently thick, it is good to fix the workpiece. Liquid glue is not suitable, because thin paper will instantly splash;
  • paint, varnish or verse will allow you to choose the desired shade of blanks, pick up the desired tone. Paint is better to take special for fabrics or for printing on the printer. In addition, food dyes are suitable, as well as natural - leek husks, beet juice. You can still use water-diluted crystals of manganese or green. If you want to cover the finished work and protect against contamination and moisture, you will need an acrylic varnish for wooden surfaces. This finishing material does not smell, relatively quickly dries, protects well;
  • wooden thin spanks or knitting needles in order to twist paper stripes. It is best to prepare the needles of different numbers: 1.5-4.5 mm. If you turn the newspaper strips on the thin needle, then the billet will be more like a real vine. Such a tube is dense, practically does not occur while working well takes the desired form. If you work with a thick needle, the billet will be militant, it can be easily flattened;
  • prepare scissors or a sharp knife to chop the newspaper on the strip. Scissors or even nippers will be suitable in subsequent to cut the tubes during weaving;
  • auxiliary materials for fixing, moisturizing newsprints: clothespins, sewer, spacing.

How to make newspaper tubes

You already know what tools and materials will be needed, you still need to prepare an ordinary line and a simple pencil:

  • Newspaper to put on a flat surface, cut into strips. The last band without text, as well as central - are highly valued because of them, you can twist the tube without printed text.
  • Try fingertips surface of the paper, select the rough side. Depending on what is conceived weave, the paper is cut into segments, 6 cm, 8 cm or 10 cm wide strip easier to wind a thick needle, narrow -. To thin.
  • Put on a needle blank edge to the inclination angle was 30 degrees. Corner of paper needed to wrap at the same angle and press down well.
  • Now we need to turn the needle in one hand (right), and his free hand to twist the tube.
  • When you get to the edge, the tip must be fixed with a drop of glue. Wait until the glue will dry up. The needle can be removed.

If you work quickly and without breaks, then in an hour you can twist about a hundred tubes, and if you adapt, then even 150!

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