How to make a paper ballerina

How to make a paper ballerina

The ballerina from paper will be an elegant decoration of a living room or a children's room. With the help of additional decorations you can create a thematic direction. Ballerina with colored packs will decorate the princess room or become a highlight at the bottom of birth, and the ballerina in snowflakes will decorate the New Year tree and create a magical mood.

How to make a snowflake ballerina paper

To create soaring ballerinas, we will need:

  • paper;
  • scissors;
  • pencil.

Such snowflake ballerinas can decorate the winter windows, a Christmas tree or decorate the room in order to create a festive, magical mood. We proceed to the creation of delicate, air ballerinas:

  • Print any favorite ballerina template or draw it from hand.
  • Cut with the help of scissors a figurine of dancing ballerina.
  • The pure sheet of A4 format is folded, as shown in the picture below.
  • On the folded blank, we draw one of the above patterns.
  • Cut with scissors along the boundaries of the pattern.
  • We raise the resulting snowflake and dress on the ballerina.

Soaring snow ballerina is ready, she will perfectly complement your interior and create an extraordinary mood.

How to make a vintage paper ballerina

A vintage paper ballerina is able to create a charming spirit of antiquity. Such ballerinas look alone and penetrating. To create such dolls, we will need:

  • printout ballerin;
  • paper;
  • glue.

And so, we begin the creation of vintage "live" ballerin:

  • Print two pictures of mirroring each other, to obtain a mirror ballerina, you must deploy a picture of 180 degrees.
  • With the help of scissors cut the ballerin.
  • We glue two figures, as a result we get a bilateral ballerina.

Go to the manufacture of a bulk pack.

  • Cut from a newspaper or a sheet of paper two rectangles.
  • Collect the harmonica from the rectangle, alternately bends the leaflet.
  • We fold the resulting accordion in half.
  • We glue the edges of the harmonica from the inside, as a result we get two fans.
  • Alternately glue a fuel in opposite edges to the ballerina from the same side.
  • To make a pack on the ballerina, make a second skirt layer over the previous method. After straightening folds.
  • To make the ballerina, you need to hide, need to pierce the figure at the top and turn thread, then tie.

Vintage ballerina is ready!

How to make a ballerina from napkins

To create fluttering ballerinas from napkins, we will need:

  • napkins;
  • wire;
  • glue.

We proceed to creating a ballerina from napkins:

  • From the wire twist the figure of a person.
  • Dining napkins we divide on the layers.
  • We cut or tear manually napkins on a strip of 1-3 cm wide.
  • Watch up the trained stripped figurine of a person from a wire.
  • In the process of winding strips, lubricate glue diluted in water.
  • In the field of the body, wrap the strips of napkins a little more, in order to create a similarity of a person's figure.
  • Give some time that the figures are dried. Meanwhile, do the production of dresses.
  • To create dresses, fold the napkin into several layers, as shown in the photo.
  • Cut the desired skirt length and round it.
  • The resulting dress tightly roll into the tube, unlock. Then, turn back in the opposite direction. After these manipulations, the dress will be air. For more lush robes, make a second dress.
  • Slide the holes in the dress for hands and head, then, gently dress on the ballerina.
  • On the waist, secure the dress with a thread.

Ballerina from napkins is ready! By making several such ballerinas, you can create a steaming composition of weightless ballerinas. Also, hanging threads can be decorated with beads. Such a decor will give the children's room a special, magical mood.

From the primary means, namely paper, you can create charming ballerinas that cause lunizing. Fantasize, invent and make a ballerin, as well as for them a variety of outfits, decorations, etc.

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