How to make a flower of ribbon

How to make a flower of ribbon

Each can make a beautiful flower from the tape, the main thing is a desire, and then it will be necessary to work out. Even special skills will not need to independently make a flower from the tape. From simple to difficult - let's learn how to create amazing beauty from the tapes.

Simple ribbon flower

In order to make a conventional fabric flower, highlight 30 minutes of time and prepare such materials:

  • a satin ribbon, 2.5 cm wide of any shade;
  • scissors;
  • lighter or candle;
  • threads with a needle;
  • line;
  • hot glue, a middle;
  • foundation: rubber band, hairpin, pin.

How to make a flower from a tape:

  • Cut the tape on the segments of 8 cm long. On 1 round it will take 7 petals, on the 2nd - 5 petals. You can make a flower from one circle of petals, from 2-3s, 5,6,7 or 8 petals in each circle.
  • Each segment on the edge must be turned.
  • We form the petal: fold the fabric in half to mark the middle. Then, from the fold line, we fold the ribbon at an angle of 90 degrees. On the edge of the petal we flash with a needle with a thread with a "needle ahead".
  • We ride the petals on the thread, tie the nodule. It turned out the first row of flower.
  • We make a second row of petals. We glue with hot glue between both rows of petals. It turned out flower.
  • We decorated at will: glue felt circles to which you need to attach with hot glue gum, hairpin or rim.

How to make a rose

Rose is a royal flower that can be made of fabric, including from satin ribbon. Methods of assembling roses from ribbon are several, consider a simple option.

To make a rose from the ribbon prepare:

  • cuts of tapes 10 cm, tape width 2.5 or 4-5 cm;
  • sewing pins;
  • threads of the same shade as tape, needle;
  • scissors;
  • candle or lighter.

Operating procedure:

  • Cut the tape into segments, the edges of the fall.
  • The tape tip must be collapsed at right angles and finally wrap the corner again.
  • The workpiece must be fixed by the pin, then flash needle with a thread.
  • Similarly, repeat with the opposite end of the tape. It turns out the first neat bud.
  • The second segment of the ribbon is as follows: the ends wrap up to the middle at a right angle, along the edge of the tape is stitched by the stamping seam, the thread is tightened. It turns out a beautiful petal.
  • We make several petals. The amount may be different, it all depends on what you want to make a rose: a small neat or magnificent.
  • Petal needs to wrap around the bud, make a couple of stitches, pull the thread.

It turns out a beautiful tender rose from the tape:

The second way - how to make a rose from the tape

Supports such materials and tools:

  • ribbon Satin width 5 cm, Length 1 m;
  • hot glue;
  • candle or lighter.

How to make a rose:

  • The edges of the tape need to be soldered so that they do not disengage during operation.
  • We begin to form a rose: we turn the edge of the ribbon inside diagonally (at a distance of 1.5 cm).
  • The tube must be twisted to get a dense bud. Immediately fix the job, pin the glue droplet (you can use a needle with thread).
  • The next step is the formation of the first petal: you need to bend the tape on 1/3 down and wrap around the middle. This is the first petal, fix glue and continue to work.
  • The next turnover is the edge of the tape back and down, then turns around the workpiece, is fixed. And so on until the tape end. There should be a neat bouton.

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