Brooch from St. George Ribbon

Brooch from St. George Ribbon

May 9 is a great holiday for the Russian people. On this day, we thank our grandfathers and great-grandfather for the victory, which Soviet warriors presented to contemporaries and put their lives for her. The symbol of this significant holiday is the George ribbon. Many on the holiday tie a tape with a beautiful bow. And we offer to make an original brooches from it with your own hands. This simple accessory will turn into a victory symbol.

Brush from the St. George Ribbon in the form of a spikelet

Before you start work, prepare the following set of materials and tools:

  • georgievsky satin ribbon. Buy a ribbon in stores for needlewomen;
  • satin ribbons of orange and black color;
  • scissors, tweezers and glue;
  • clasp for brooches;
  • lighter or ordinary candle;
  • decorative details for decoration.

Production of brooches Start from cutting satin ribbons to segments in the form of 5x5 centimeters magnitude. Prepare 7 square segments from black tape and 14 orange squares. Out the candle or lighter of the edge of each cooked square, and the ribbon does not occur.

Start the following steps:

  • make petals for brook. Take harvested tape segments. Fold tweezers orange square diagonally. The resulting triangle fold again. Fold again the workpiece, and get the petal with acute ends. The edge of the ribbons can be carefully removed and set the flame. Pinzet hold along the workpiece and bend it. Cut the bottom of the petal and treat the flame. Treat all orange squares in this way;
  • take the black box and fold it diagonally twice. We apply the resulting item to an orange billet. There should be 3 parts in the petal - black is located in the middle, and orange are on the sides;
    Sharp corners on the petal remove and treat the ends of the flame. All items must be connected to each other firmly. There are 7 three-layer petals with acute ends;
  • connect all petals into one integer with glue. While the petals in the form of spikes. Decorate the middle of the spikement with dark beads;
  • take the St. George Ribbon and glue her loop. Take up the spikelet from above. From the reverse side, the fracture clasp. The original brooch from the St. George Ribbon is ready.

Picture 2.

Brush from the St. George Ribbon in the form of a flower

This brooch is made in the form of a flower. First prepare the following:

  • orange satin ribbon 5 cm wide;
  • adhesive thermopystole or needle with thread;
  • scissors, tweezers and lighter;
  • small piece of black felt;
  • decoration for the middle of a flower;
  • st. George Ribbon.

We start a master class:

  • cut small squares from the satin ribbon. Of these you need to make 7-8 round petals;
  • fold the square diagonally. Use tweezers. Generate the corners of the resulting triangle to the top. The sides of the triangle are falling down;
  • fold the resulting part in half - corns back. Corners cut with scissors. Do not forget to fall down the lower cuts with flames lighters. For this principle, make the remaining petals for the flower. Fold them all together and secure the adhesive thermal controller;
  • take a piece of felt and fix the flower on it. Sing it with threads to the felt or use hot glue. In the middle of the flower, attach a bead or other decoration. It remains to fasten the flower on the St. George ribbon and attach to the back of the brooches.

Make floral petals from the Georgievskaya ribbon itself, and do not use the Atlas. Buy in the store a striped ribbon 60-80 cm long. Five petals are made in the same way as described above. The segment of the guards tape cut the edge so that they look like the flag and fall out fire. Fold the ribbon, attach a flower and a fastener on it. It turned out not an orange flower, but striped.

Picture 3.

The above step-by-step instructions are a small part of all master classes for the manufacture of brooches from the St. George ribbon. These products will be able to make even children and many materials for them are not required. Attach the brooch made with your own hands on clothes, and go to celebrate Victory Day.

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