How to make Georgievskaya tape

How to make Georgievskaya tape

Ninth May is a celebration of the Great Victory. On this day, we all go to the parades, going on the squares, congratulations to veterans and thank both the living and fallen in the battle of the heroes for a peaceful sky over our heads. The George Ribbon is one of the symbols of Victory Celebration. There are a lot of ways to manufacture the guards ribbon with your own hands. You can add some highlight if you make a tape with interesting elements and details. Thanks to non-slip technicians, you can make this memorable item perfectly special and unique.

Georgievskaya paper tape

Interesting is the method of manufacturing a George ribbon of paper.

  • Take orange paper for xerox.
  • In the Microsoft Office Word program, we create a table that consists of a column and a plural set.
  • Through the toolbar fill in black string through one. Print.
  • Cut on the lines of the desired thickness of the ribbon.
  • Traditionally we fold and attach to clothing.

This method is very simple in execution and allows you to make several ribbons at once.

Georgievskaya Bead Tape

Not so often you will meet Georgiev ribbons from beads, which means such an accessory buden look an extraordinary, unique and interesting. The product from the bead will serve you for one year, since the woven ribbon is very durable. Fastened ribbon to clothes in the form of brooches.

  • We start weave from the middle of the tape. At the cut of the fishing line, we recruit 12 beads. Such will be the thickness of our tape. We alternate orange and black beads (1 or., 2 h, 2 or., 2 h, 2 or., 2 h., 1 or.).
  • We make a chain "Lanenka" on the beads already scored on the fishing line. Who is familiar with the technique of beadwork, this term is known to that. If the essence is not clear, you can see a step-by-step master class on YouTube.
  • To weave the second row, we recruit one orange and one black beads. We introduce a needle for beads to the second bisper of the first row (in black). From the bottom up display the needle from the third bisper (black).
  • We recruit two beads again. One black and one orange. Now we skip the needle through orange bispers of the first row. Having reached the end of the row, we take up the needle from the bottom through the last 12 orange bisper.
  • We are wearing the third row in the same way, but on the reverse side.
  • Weave ribbon about 6 cm long.
  • Upon completion of the rows, we recruit three beads. At the ends of the canvas ribbon weave in the form of corners. External corners must be a bit longer than internal.
  • We finish the edge of the tape and remove the line through the extreme bead of the first row.
  • Similarly, we carry out the second half of the tape.
  • We fold the St. George ribbon.
  • Attach the billet for brooches to the ribbon. Ready.

Technique Kanzashi and St. George Ribbons

To create a George ribbon with the elements of Kanzashi we need:

  • Tapes of orange and black.
  • Cut of satin ribbon traditional orange-black coloring.
  • Blank on the brooch.
  • Glue.
  • Scissors.
  • Tweezers.
  • Candle or lighter.

Make a George ribbon in Kanzashi technique is quite easy. It is unusual to look at such an accessory and very beautiful.

  • Cut on squares 5 per 5 cm orange and black ribbons.
  • Cut 7 squares of black and 14 orange.
  • We fear the edges of flap candles or lighter.
  • We make petals to decorate Georgievskaya ribbon. We fold the square of the orange ribbon of the diagonally, the resulting triangle is twice. Once again we are twice and get a tiny petal. For convenience, the part is kept tweezers. Pinged the edge of the petal is cut and cut off.
  • We intercept the petal tweezers along and cut off the lower part. Outflow edge.
  • We take a black square and fold the painter several times and apply to the orange petal, so that it wounds inside the black blank. The next again there will be a triangle of orange.
  • Cutting speakers for tweezes of the edges of pointed corners. Out.
  • The remaining part of the petal is also processed by a flame.
  • In this way, we make seven billets, which consist of three layers.
  • We connect the petals with hot glue to turn out to be spikele.
  • Connection locations hide beads.
  • Krepim spikelet on a folded George ribbon.
  • On the reverse side of the tape is fastened. Brooch Kanzashi from Georgievskaya ribbon is ready.

In your power to create original St. George Ribbon and surprise at the celebration of the Victory Day or Russia's Day of all of their friends and friends. Handmade product can also be an excellent gift. You just need a little time and patience to create a unique symbol of the Great Victory, and go with him to the parade.

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