How to tie a George ribbon

How to tie a George ribbon

Despite the fact that even the organizers of the distribution of Georgievsky ribbons are proposed to tie them on the handbags, car antennas or wrist, it would be more correct to honor the memory of warriors and show respect for veterans - a pinch of this symbolic sign on the chest from the heart, in order not to defile it.

Georgievskaya tape most often fasten to clothing as a breastplate to Lapel. The simplest way is to fold a ribbon in the shape of a loop or a zigzag (the optimal option for a short ribbon) and a jiggle to the clothes of an English pin, pushing the tape itself in the field of the alternation.


A simple bow of Georgievskaya ribbon is easy to get from the previous version: fold the loop tape, as in the photo above, and then the top of the loops pull to the place of adhesion (intersection) of the two ends of the ribbon and stick the center (the most multi-layered bow of the bow) to the clothes pin. The center can be tightly wrapped with thread (orange or black) vertically, then the bow will be more similar.


Such a bow is done from three tape segments. If you want a bow in the width and in the height of 15 cm, cut the two ribbons of 30 cm and one small (its length should be more width twice with a small margin):

  1. On one long ribbon on both sides cut the corners.
  2. All untreated edges of all tape segments are laid by fire so that they are not "melted."
  3. The second long section fold in the form of a circle (connect the edges from below with a small adhesive), the middle of the tape is flattened so that it turns out to be exactly over the joint of the two ends. Change your thread or use the adhesive gun to secure the workpiece.
  4. Short segment Wrap the middle of the workpiece so that the cutting edges are connected from the reverse side, sew or glue the edges and secure the elements among themselves. It turned out the basis of the bow.
  5. Cut with cut edges Fold the letter "L" and attach the top of the corner from the back of the bow.


Like the previous version with minor complications, you can fold the St. George ribbon into the form distantly reminiscent of the man. In this case, two long ribbons are 45 cm or more and one short, as in paragraph 3, all edges are defiled:

  1. Fold the long tape in the circle, connect the edge below.
  2. "Slide" the sides of the circle so that it turned out the "eight". The place of contact will temporarily secure the needle or pin.
  3. Squeeze the "eight" vertically so that the top, a fastening needle and the edge of the edges, turned out to be clearly under each other. It turns out a double bow. Discover or proof connections, remove the needle.
  4. Wrap the bow in the center of the short cut of the tape, secure the edges of the edges on the reverse side of the workpiece.
  5. The remaining free long ribbon fold the loop, as in paragraph 1, and at the place of crossing, attach to the back side of the bow.


If the center of the bow in the version 3 or 4 a bit to dwell and instead of the transverse tape, decorate brooances, beads or flower, the bow will already look completely different.


An elegant bow from a long Georgievskaya tape can be done like this:

  1. Squeeze the end of 40 cm on the table, keep the rest of the tape in your hand.
  2. Next layer lay in the opposite direction, measuring approximately 25 cm.
  3. Fold the zigzag ribbon, each time shortening the side by 3-5 cm.
  4. In the last stage, leave the "tail" length of 15-20 cm from the center of the bow.
  5. The middle secure the thread or an English pin.
  6. Ribbon ends placing the corner, secure in that position.
  7. Cut on the edges corners and fall.


Unusual bow, but it's just done:

  1. The Georgievskaya tape is 30 cm long fold the "eight", as in the photo, secure the edge of the edges.
  2. Wrap the center with a short segment of tapes, enter in the blank on the reverse side.
  3. Of the two black ribbons, 25 cm long fold the base of the bows (the joints of the ends from the bottom in the center) and connect the blanks between themselves the cross.
  4. On top of the black "crossed", secure the bow from the Georgievskaya tape.


Georgiev tapes can be decorated with a flower performed in Kanzashi technique (Read more here). From the reverse side of the decoration from the Georgievskaya tape, attach a pins for brooches, you can buy them in the handicraft department.


The George ribbon must be worn carefully and worthy, because this is a way to express your respect to the fought generation of heroes, feel the patriotic attitude and pride for the homeland!

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Vladimir 07/05/2019 at 16:08

How many can you! This is the Guards Ribbon! Guards! And the Georgievskaya tape is black and yellow and used in the Russian Empire! And if you bind it to the period of the Great Patriotic Woons, then the "Vlasovets" in this period was used by the St. George Ribbon!

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