Star from St. George Ribbon

Star from St. George Ribbon

Georgievskaya ribbon is a symbol of unforgettable feats of Russian warriors in the battle fields. Make an original star from the guards ribbon on May 9 with your own hands. Decorate your clothes with a festive attribute or give a veteran as a sign of gratitude.

Easy way to manufacture stars from St. George Ribbon

This is the easiest way to manufacture a star. Your actions are as follows:

  • draw on the cardboard a five-pointed star of the required size;
  • cut the star from the cardboard;
  • gently cross the product by the St. George Ribbon;
  • at the opposite side of the star, attach a small pin. You got a pretty little asterisk.

Picture 2.

The second way of making a star from St. George ribbon

This option is more difficult, but the asterisk will be beautiful. Prepare the following materials:

  • segment of St. George Ribbon;
  • a small piece of felt - black, brown or orange color;
  • candle or lighter;
  • hot or gel glue.

Getting to work:

  • cut the ribbon to the same strips of any length. The best length is from 10 to 15 centimeters;
  • fold one of the brackets of the mustache, it turns out a loop. Bend the tips in half, the petal will come out;
  • cut the tip of the petal and fall the flame. This method, make five petals from tape pieces;
  • connect together the petals with glue. It turns out an asterisk. In the middle, attach the icon, beautiful button or bead;
  • cut from felt a small circle. From the reverse side, stick to the star of the felt circle. At the felt, attach a special metal clasp for brook.

Picture 3.

Third way of making a star from St. George Ribbon

Prepare materials and tools:

  • georgievskaya tape;
  • black satin ribbon;
  • scissors and small tweezers with curved edges;
  • gun for hot glue and lighter;
  • decorative element.

Star manufacturing sequence Next:

  • cut out five smooth parts from the guards ribbon of 3x6 cm;
  • fold one billet in the middle;
  • gently cut the corner of the workpiece diagonally, holding the face of the fold with the finger;
  • hold the resulting cut by tweezers and fall fire. Both fabric layers must be connected together;
  • reflect the detail obtained, the seam must be in the middle. From the other segments of the tape, make similar corners;
  • cut from the black tape a circle with a diameter of 4 cm and fall out of cuts with fire. This is the base for the star;
  • remove the circle from the atlas in withdrawal up and get the first corner of the St. George ribbon on it;
  • gently glue the rest of the corners, forming a star.

Attach a decorative element in the middle of the star - icon, beads, original butt or something else. Star consolidate on a beautifully folded segment of St. George ribbon. Cut at the bottom of the tape corners. On the clothes, the star can be attached by the usual pin or a special clip.

Picture 4 (2)

An asterisk from Georgievskaya tape is a manifestation of patriotism, love for homeland and respect for veterans. Give a beautiful asterisk veteran for a holiday, and the older generation will appreciate your work.

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