Flower from St. George Ribbon

Flower from St. George Ribbon

On the day of victory in small towns, deaf villages, the megalopolises of our Motherland can see thousands of people whose chest bangs the symbol of courage and heroism of Russian soldiers and officers - Georgievskaya tape. This is not just a tribute to fashion, it is a respectful worship before the memory of fighters who defended Russia.

Georgievskaya tape is a two-color element of the reward of the Order of St. George, established in the XVIII century Empress Catherine II for the courage and merit of warriors in front of the fatherland. For the first time, George gates appeared on the May streets of our country in 2005 and since then have become an integral part of the solemn events in honor of Victory Day.

Flower from Georgievskaya ribbon do it yourself

Every year on May 9, Russians go to the festive parade, jokes on the clothes of an orange-black ribbon. If you want to have a personal communication symbol with heroic ancestors - make a flower from the traditional tape, decorating it with decorative elements to your liking.

Materials and tools for work

  • Segment of the St. George ribbon, near the meter. Sale in the woodworking departments.
  • Glue "moment" or a thermopystole with hot glue. Grabs quickly, keeps firmly.
  • Metal fastener-pin. You can take from the old brooch or buy in household goods.
  • Small target for decorating: brilliant beads, buttons, badges.
  • Matches or lighter, scissors.

Photo 56.

Flower manufacturing process

Flower from Georgievskaya ribbon You will make quickly if you follow our advice.

  • Cut from the tape seven rectangles of 5 x 2.5 cm in size - these are the petals of the future flower.
  • Bend the corners of the rectangle with a wide hand so to get a triangle. This shape will once again fold in half.
  • Expand the detail fold up and lower the lower angle to the bend seat. Also make on the back.
  • Light the match and place the tape sections. This creates the side of the petal and will not let them crumble. Spray the item.
  • While glue all the petals in a circle, forming a flower. In the middle of the bunny, attach a bead or buttons.


We make the basis for a flower

Take a 25 cm long ribbon, fold it, crossing the tissue strips. Build a place of addition and stick the resulting flower from above. Turn over the workpiece and barculate the pin. Do not forget to cut off the bird of the edge at the tape.

It is possible for reliability to cut a circle from a black felt, less than a flower for 1 cm, glue petals on it. And then the resulting brooch secure the gun to the George ribbon.


Flower-medallion from Georgievskaya ribbon

Take 40 cm tape and divide it in half. With the help of a needle, type one part of the tape on the thread. Torn it by the harmonica, form a unspoken tulip. The rest of the tape will fold the sun and enter the bud. Secure the medallion with a pin on clothes.

Flower Brooch from St. George Ribbon

And this method of manufacturing the attribute is even easier. You will need: two-color tape, a thick sheet of paper, scissors, a thread with a needle, a button, a fastener.

Cut out a circle paper, size with a future flower. Ribbon - 20 cm By hand in the middle, collect it with small assemblies, stick to the circle in the form of a flower. In the middle insert the army buttons. Brooch stick to the material. Behind the ribbon attach the fastener.

Photo 1.

Decorate with such pretty flowers, a bouquet of carnations, a handbag, a car. Or give your craft to any elderly person coming on the street, congratulating it on the holiday and wishing good health.

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