Where to buy a St. George Ribbon

Where to buy a St. George Ribbon

The big and exciting holiday of Victory Day is approaching, which means his unchanged attribute - the George ribbon, you will need to decorate the clothes, a car or a motorcycle, a solemn rule of school or procession on the central square of the city. If you are an event organizer, prepare a holiday with children for veterans, then puzzled by the issue of buying a George ribbon.
Where can I find it?

Buy St. George Ribbon in specialized stores with fabrics

It is enough for you to decide on the right amount of ribbons and estimate the football fabric. Then it cuts and distribute it or decorate the room / territory of the festive event.

Buy St. George ribbon in market shops with souvenir products

They are offered on the eve of the holiday to purchase Georgiev ribbons at reasonable prices. If there is a central market in your city or a fair is held on the eve of May 9, visit them and buy the desired holiday attribute.

Buy St. George Ribbon in online stores

But only those that specialize in the manufacture of souvenir products, flags, printing on clothes and dishes have in their arsenal Georgievsky ribbons for sale.
Visit, for example, this or this Online store and place an order for the purchase of ribbons.

Buy St. George Ribbon through Internet Markets

This method is relevant for those who have a certain budget for the organization and holiday of the Victory Day. For example, visit www.flagma.ru. or www.tiu.ru. And find the best option for yourself both by price and the quality of the material.

Get a St. George Ribbon Free

She is distributed on Victory Day on Volunteers and Students. Representatives of public organizations and students actively distribute the rapty attribute of the holiday on the day of its holding.
They, in turn, receive ribbons in special items of issuing, addresses that are known in any city, in the deanats of universities, personnel services of state employers' organizations. Also distribute Georgievsky ribbons together with advertising booklets representatives of various parties.
It should be noted that the finished ribbons under the law are prohibited on sale on the eve and on the day of the celebration of Victory Day. It has already become a good tradition of their free distribution:
  • on the central squares of cities;
  • near large shopping centers and supermarkets;
  • in recreation parks and entertainment;
  • in bank departments;
  • at automotive gas stations.
However, several ribbons give out for free. Therefore, to dial three or five dozen without payment you will not work.
If you need a large number of ribbons to the holiday, then the most advantageous way to buy them will be wholesale in the form of a solid tissue roll. You can cut it up as it requires the design and decoration of the victory day celebration.

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