How to make dough for modeling

How to make dough for modeling

From home "plasticine" create toys, crafts, souvenirs and even whole pictures, together with the kids. The dough turns out beautiful, elastic, soft and most importantly safe, even for the most young masters! Prepare the original mass under the power of every mom, which has a handful of white flour, a glass of cold water and a little small salt!

How to make a dough for modeling - a classic recipe

Thanks to the simple composition, the mass is done quickly, and you can immediately begin to occupy! From the finished material, small toys and small crafts are well obtained. We will need:

  • Glass of white flour.
  • A glass of shallow salt.
  • 120 ml of cold clean water.

Dry ingredients are mixed well in the prepared bowl, after which the water is poured. The dough is intensely smeared until the elastic and militant mass is obtained.

How to make color dough for modeling

An unusual color dough will cause a stormy emotion from the baby, interest and a huge desire to engage in creativity! It can be angry with a small piece of natural dyes: from carrot juice will be orange, made of beets or cherries - red, if you add cocoa powder - it turns out a brown or beige, from grated spinach - green, and from the dusty tea carcade - blue. But if we are talking about large volumes, it is better to add a gouache or food dye. So, the necessary ingredients:

  • 250 grams of sifted white rye flour.
  • 250 GR shallow salt extra.
  • 1 tbsp. L sunflower oil.
  • 150 grams of purified water.

Flour, oil and salt are well stirred, after which the water is added and smeared. It should be soft and plastic dough!

How to make edible plasticine

Yes, yes, it is edible! The novelty came to us from the West and helps parents make a pleasant much more useful - cheer and enjoy your favorite child! Unusual berries, fruits and toys, pose with great pleasure of kids and older children, but the most interesting thing is that then all this can be eager! The manufacturing process is extraordinarily simple and can even be reached by reoxoiths! Delicious modeling will bring the sea of \u200b\u200bpositive and laughing with the whole family, so rather proceed.


  • 100 grams of admitted not salty drain. Oil.
  • 1 st. Composition of fresh fat cream.
  • 600 g of sugar powder.
  • Pinch vanilla.
  • Food helium dye, but you can do without it if the kid is small.

Cooking method:

  • With the help of a mixer, we beat the oil and cream to a homogeneous state.
  • Gradually fall asleep by powder and vanilla, wash the dough.
  • The resulting mass divide into 3 parts, for each drip the required amount of dye and wash again.
  • If you do not want to add dyes and vanilla, you can leave "plasticine" white. Dough is ready - the country is fantasy and edible modeling waiting for you!

How to make a custard dough for modeling

In order for the obtained handicraft with a glistener without a lacquer, the craftsmen came up with tricks - add glycerin to the dough. Consider an interesting recipe, we will need:

  • 2 glasses of boiling water.
  • 400 grams of white flour.
  • Half of the glycerin teaspoon.
  • 2 tbsp. Spoons of wine stones and as many sunflower oil.
  • 100 gr. shallow salt, dye.

We make the foundation - connect the oil, wine stone, flour and salt. Water must be touched to a boil, after which it is pouring into it the resulting flour base. Next, add glycerin and dye, cook until the mass becomes homogeneous. The resulting dough should be cooled and one more thing to knead it, if necessary, you can add some flour.

Dough test methods for modeling

In order for the finished handicraft to be more durable and did not crack, it must be addicted. There are many ways, but we will consider the most popular:

  • Drying in a hot oven - the craft is placed on a stained baking sheet and put in a heated oven, not more than 80 degrees. Drying should pass with a dutched door, about 1 hour.
  • Drying in a cold oven - all actions are similar to the previous method, only first the crafts in the oven and only then include to warm it.
  • Natural drying is the longest, but verified and the most reliable way of drying. The product is laid out on a wooden or plastic surface and dried within 3-4 days.

The shelf life of home plasticine is exactly a month, store it only in the refrigerator, wrapped in a food film or putting into a closed container.

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