How to dry Roshovnik

How to dry Roshovnik

There are a lot of vitamins and microelements in the fruits of Rosehip. Bars of these beautiful red berries of the doctor are attributed to various health problems. At the pharmacy, the dry rose hips is quite expensive, so it is better to raise him in the fall independently and dry. You provide yourself and your close useful vitamin product for the entire winter.

Well, if you have a cottage. Then you can dry a rose in the attic where it is very dry and warm. In the apartment you will have to use one way:

  • drying in the oven;
  • drying in a special electric dryer for fruits and berries;
  • drying in the room.

How to dry rosehip - preliminary preparation

Collected rose hips beat from garbage. From the total mass remove the torn berries. Tails and cupboards can not cut off. In no case do not wash the rose hips before drying. Extra moisture hurts berries to quickly become dry.

If you have time and desire, you can cut all berries along two halves and a small spoon remove seeds. It will work out if the rose hips you have collected more solid. If the berries already surpage (they became very soft), then seeds do not delete.

How to dry a rose hips in the attic

Rail on the attic old wallpaper or any fabric. Do not use the polyethylene film - it delays moisture and rosehip will dry for a long time. On the prepared surface, pour a rose hips with a uniform thin layer, i.e. In one berry. Check the rose hips on dry days through 7. If the weather has been warm during the week, then berries can already dry and dry. When dried into one layer, a rose robber can not even mix.

If the berries in the attic you spread a thicker layer, then once every 2-3 days, be sure to mix them. Drying rose hips with a thick layer will take more time - days 12-15.

How to dry the rosehip in the oven

A small amount of rosehip is better dried in the oven.

  • Turn the oven to a minimum.
  • Deco for baking culinary products Shipping parchment paper.
  • On the paper, lay out the thin layer of rosehip.
  • Put the deco in the oven - Leave the door ajar.
  • Each 30 minutes, mix berries.

Depending on the number of rosehip in the oven, the drying time of the berries will be different: from 4 to 8 hours.

How to dry a rosehip in electric drying

In the drying, it is best to dry the halves of a rosehip. Spread them on the pallets of cuts up. Pallets Set on the base with heating elements. Cover the design with a lid. On the lid, be sure to open the ventilation holes. Turn on the drying first at least. After the halves of the rosehip are slightly used, switch the drying to the average value. Disturb the rose hips at the maximum - the last 15 minutes. Depending on the number of pallets with the rosehip and the power of your drying, the process of drying the berries can last from 8 to 16 hours. If you download drying with whole berries, then also longer.

How to dry rosehip in the room

In the absence of a special drying and employment in the house, you can try to dry the rose robes just in the room. Choose the warm room and decompose the old sheet or Watman's sheets on the floor. Pour rose hips and scatter it. The layer of berries should be minimal. Watch that the berries do not fall direct sunlight. Stir the berries on the floor every day and preferably, a couple of times a day.

Drying in the room is the most inconvenient and long way. Rosehip even in a warm room can dry a whole month. During this time, if it does not mix it, berries may even be covered with mold.

Prepared dried rose robbery spread over cardboard boxes or canvas bags. Keep it in a dry dark place. Several times during the winter months check the workpiece. If the berries lost their fragility, a sign of high-quality drying, then send them for 1 hour in barely warm oven with a lid ajar.

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