How to dry birch brooms for a bath

How to dry birch brooms for a bath

All bath lovers know how important it is to use high-quality brooms. Surely everyone thinks about the simplicity of the birch broom, but not everyone knows the rules of how to dry them.

The most common kind of broom for a bath is birch. This is a real symbol of the Russian bath. Birch has very many healing properties, so it is used in medicine for a long time. It is birch that is an excellent diuretic, campling and disinfectant. She copes very well with colds. Hanging birch brooms are beginning in early summer. Young birchings are considered the best sources of branches. They have soft and velvety leaves.

The main nuances of the drying of birch brooms

The most important and main rule is natural drying. In no case, birch brooms should not be subject to artificial drying. Despite the cost of a huge amount of time, the natural drying will not compare with anything. It allows you to save all the healing properties of birch.

Be sure to dry the brooms to avoid:

  • Drafts.
  • Direct sunlight or too lit room.
  • Humidity.

Therefore, preparing the place for the drying of the brooms, be sure to consider it.

Room for drying birch brooms

The most suitable premises in order to dry birch brooms are:

  • A separate room in the house (it can be either a backup or a storage room).
  • Pregnant.
  • Balcony.
  • The garage (only be sure to exclude the possibility of various kinds of chemical elements).
  • Attic room.
  • Welcome wardrobe.

The optimal temperature in the room where the brooms will dry should be in the range from 15 to 25 degrees Celsius.

Position of brooms during drying

  • Taking advantage of purchased brooms for the bath, you can see several basic forms. They can be in the form of panicles, and can be just flat. It depends on the position of the broom, in which it dries. If a broom is simply suspended and dried in this position, then it will be melloween, because it does not limit anything. But brooms that lie on the surface or on each other, acquire the shape of a flat broom.
  • In principle, there is no significant difference. Just more often are flat, because they are easier to transport and during storage they take less space.
  • If you are engaged in the billet of birch brooms yourself, it is better to prepare their different shapes. And you can combine the drying process.
  • So, having prepared brooms, they are better to first lay on each other. In this position, leave for a couple of days, and every day it is recommended to turn them over. After this procedure, brooms suspend. This drying procedure is longer. It takes a couple of weeks. Although, if the area allows, in this position can be left to their very use.

Storage of dry birch brooms

At the end of the drying period, the broom is better to bandage. Make a more dense handle.

Store birch brooms standing in a dark room. An excellent option will be if you witness brooms with a dark cloth. Such a broom, which was wrapped in a cloth, serves two times more and grabs it on 4-6 pairs.

Only a proper dried broom will bring you a maximum benefit. Do not neglect the main rules of drying and storage of birch brooms and be healthy!

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