How to quickly dry clothes

How to quickly dry clothes

When you need to quickly dry clothes, someone remembers the grandmother's advice, and someone is experimental. All this will not need if you know some secrets of safe and intense drying of things. Such little tricks will be useful to everyday life and will be careluted with a shortage of time.

The most sparing method of emergency drying is a special washing machine mode. Clothing is not subjected to long-term thermal exposure, which remains its qualities. Program the machine to the maximum spin and set the drying mode. You will get absolutely dry things to you, which remains only to rejuvenate.

Relatively light fabric quickly dries hair dryer. Place the highest power and dry clothes evenly. Depending on the density of the material, it will be necessary to work from 10 minutes before half an hour. Instead, the hair dryer will also fit the thermal fan.

Most things are dried by iron. Disconnect the pair function and the clothes from all sides. Then thresh it for 10-15 minutes to ventilate. And rejoin again to achieve an excellent result. If the synthetic fabric, cover it with thin cotton matter and only then smooth. Drying Iron is contraindicated with wool and other delicate fibers.

It is extremely careful that you can dry things near the open oven. To do this, turn on the function of the purge and hang clothes at a distance to the half-meter from the stove. It is preliminarily wired to wipe the insides of the oven so that things are not soaked with the fragrance of the pie or baked meat.

In winter, small wardrobe items really dry on the battery. It will take a lot of time, but it will be faster than with classic drying on clothespins.


In the summer, it is easiest to post clothes for a sunny place. Even better if the weather is windy. In such conditions, things are dried in 15 minutes.

When drying is needed by clothing made of tissue, such as jeans, additional efforts are required. First, we wrap a thing in a terry towel and twist on the principle of harness. When the towel is thoroughly wet, repeat the procedure with another dry towel. So we will remove excess moisture from the fabric. And for the final drying, any of the above methods are suitable.

For safety reasons, it is not recommended to dry clothes with the following methods:

  • over open fire or close to it;
  • directly on the electric heating device;
  • at a temperature exceeding the manufacturer's recommendation (usually this information is placed on the label).

No matter how hurrying, always take care of the safety of things. An incorrectly chosen drying method can spoil the clothes that much more unpleasant clothes are wet. And it is even better to be prudent and not to fall into force majeure at least in relation to the wardrobe.

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