How to remove katovka from clothes

How to remove katovka from clothes

At some point on any clothing, regardless of the material and cost, there are pellets. Usually these things are immediately sent to the country as the ugly and unfit for use. But if you do not want your favorite blouse or skirt suffered the same fate - this article is for you.

Machine to remove the pellets

Machine specially devised to remove the pellets - the best option to solve this problem. It neatly cuts the pellets without damaging the fabric of clothing. Such machines can adjust the height of cutting pellets, to avoid damaging the fabric with relief. Their cost ranges from 100 to 400 rubles. they are also easy to use:

  1. Turn on the machine
  2. Adjust the desired cutting height (if available).
  3. Carefully spend on the tissue site with a spool, not pressing hard on the fabric.

This method - the fastest, safest fabric and takes the least time.


This method is very fast, but unsafe for fabric, especially for products made of angora, mohair, cashmere, wool and fabric with a pattern. Instructions for use as follows:

  1. Take an old razor;
  2. A good stretch fabric;
  3. Gently shave pellets steered blade upwards.

Such a method is perfect for removing the pellets with tights, socks and hats, as shave can be just wearing on your feet / head.


Not the most efficient way, it all depends on the type of fabric and sticky tape, so choose the most sticky:

  1. Glue a strip of adhesive tape to the desired location;
  2. Press it, iron it by hand;
  3. Very tear;
  4. Repeat this procedure until you reach the desired result.


Very slow and time consuming way, besides you can damage the tissue. Prepare the fabric for processing: stretch, you can comb. Carefully cut the pellets one by one, as far as possible from the ground.


With the help of a toothbrush you can gently get rid of the pellets on the tissues that require delicate handling, but it will take a lot of time:

  1. Take a soft toothbrush;
  2. "Comb" thing, directing the brush along the grain;
  3. After the soak thing in a basin with water and vinegar 1: 1 to give the fluffy things;
  4. Dry dry towel, away from the sun, heaters or other heat sources.

Roller with adhesive tape

Excellent for cleaning all fabrics. Spend roller on site to spool until you clear it. If necessary, change the tape. Such an arrangement is worth no more than $ 100, and has many uses in addition to this.


There handy comb with frequent and small teeth. Carefully comb the product - most of the pellets remain on the comb.


Suffice fastest way, but it can damage clothes. Better not use on fabrics that require delicate handling. Rub portion sandpaper with spool until you reach a result.

bread crumbs

A specific method. If you do not want to mess up the clothes with scissors, but not near anything else - try the bread:

  1. Cut a thick slice of bread;
  2. Dry it in the oven or in the sun to a state of toast;
  3. Carefully spend it on clothes, until you reach the desired result.


Rigid side sponge perfectly cope with the removal of pellets. Take a new sponge and rub dry her cloth.

Dry cleaning

A good option if you can afford such a pleasure. Any dry cleaning service will provide you with a laundry service and remove pellets for much or not charge.

Now that you know by what means you can get rid of the pellets in various tissues - like using improvised means, so with the help of special tools.

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